Letter: Rich Townsend for Town Council

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I am writing in support of Rich Townsend for Town Council.

I have had the pleasure to know Rich for six years as a responsible community supporter, successful businessman, a passionate, intelligent, and humble leader. Throughout his 30 years in New Canaan, Rich has earned the respect and support of many town constituents. He has a common-sense approach that is supported by research and facts.

Rich is committed to protecting our property values, and is focused on what matters. He supports a strong school system as well as ease of commuter convenience and fiscal discipline. His expertise as a CFO will provide the necessary scrutiny to manage controls and provide sound advice, ensuring a responsible town budget.

If there are any reasons to support Rich Townsend for Town Council they are that he is honest, trustworthy and carries no other agenda other than to serve our community in the most responsible way possible.

Please join me at the November election in supporting Rich Townsend for Town Council.

Sharon Stevenson

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