Letter: Rich Townsend for Town Council

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Having lived in New Canaan for over thirty years and having known Rich Townsend for that time, we know him to be intelligent, of high integrity and community minded.

We have worked with him at church, Habitat for Humanity, Midnight Run and served as well on various committees.

During a stellar business career, Rich distinguishes himself as a leader, hard worker and team player. Rich is able to bring groups together and move to a conclusion.

He has a passion for service and “doing the right thing.”

We would urge a vote for Richard Townsend for Town Council.

Carol and George Bauer

6 thoughts on “Letter: Rich Townsend for Town Council

  1. • What have you seen in this campaign that reveals something about how New Canaan politicians will govern after Tuesday? Please comment below with anything you’ve seen that other voters should know before they vote.

    • I am an unaffiliated voter (a bit more on that here: http://bit.ly/2zwsn2Y). Fellow unaffiliated mostly sit out elections but I have tried to get involved and have met everyone running for office.

    • My interaction with each candidate – Republican and Democrat – has been revealing and unexpected in its own way. Several cases have been so unlike partisan caricatures to practically reverse one’s view of what Republicans or Democrats are like.

    • What have you seen? What clues do you have from the campaign? However they are campaigning, they will only become more so once in office. So, with two days to go, what are we in for?

  2. Chris DeMuth is the son-in-law of Republican Town Council candidate Rich Townsend as well as a partner in Rangely Capital with Rich.

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