Letter: New Movie on Common Core a Must-See for New Canaanites

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New Canaan Parents:

This is a new movie about Common Core.

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Whether you are familiar/have already done reading, or if you admittedly haven’t taken the time, this is what everyone is watching—it’s new within the last few days. Set up your laptop or iPad and watch it while you make dinner, while you get ready in the morning, whatever, but don’t not watch this.

This is going to be the baseline for dialogue going forward. And if you think that being in New Canaan means you don’t have to worry, it won’t matter, don’t be fooled. And if you have children in middle school or younger, and have never been much of an activist (believe it or not, I fit that description), you may want to reconsider.

But step one is here. If you sit and watch a half-hour TV show, you can watch this. It’s that important.

—Maria Naughton, New Canaan Parent Voice Facebook Page

2 thoughts on “Letter: New Movie on Common Core a Must-See for New Canaanites

  1. Film brings up interesting questions but clearly is pushing one side of the argument. It was made by the Home Schooling group and while it makes some decent points, don’t let it be all you know about Common Core. But thanks for posting it was good to watch.

    • Absolutely. It would be great if the district presented the side that makes Common Core the “must have” educational reform so we could understand how this will make our children more successful than in the past.

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