Letter: Moynihan the Right Choice for First Selectman

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New Canaan Republicans that I know have a thirst for new faces and approaches to vexing issues that are confronting our community. That thirst can soon be quenched by voting for Kevin J. Moynihan!

“Change” is always a powerful force in elections and after six years I strongly believe it’s “time for a change” in New Canaan’s red brick town hall.

Kevin J. Moynihan, a 36-year resident and current member of Town Council, has respectively announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination of the office of first selectman.

In my observations, Kevin is running a very issues oriented campaign and has comported himself aadmirably since his big announcement. While he is working diligently and plans on being victorious, he is not looking to divide our Republican electorate and has been firm, but courteous to the incumbent.

I learned during two terms as chairman of the New Canaan Republican Town Committee that in politics; there are  “show horses” and “work horses.” Believe me, Kevin Moynihan is a “work horse,” and more importantly he will lead us.

He will be aggressive and lead from the front and provide a comprehensive new approach to our chronic problems, like inadequate cell phone coverage and an unacceptable commuter parking waiting list.

As a retired corporate securities lawyer, Kevin is prudent and uses good judgment. He really understands the issues New Canaan faces.

He was for the Saxe renovation since inception and would have worked collaboratively with our very able municipal Audit Committee and town treasurer to fix the recurring and embarrassing material weakness that we endured for four years.

Kevin has also recognized that Hartford is looking to make draconian changes to both education funding and aid to small towns. These proposed changes will affect our town finances and we need to better plan for them now.

Please use your vote wisely, and vote Kevin J. Moynihan at the Republican Caucus on Tuesday evening, July 18, 2017!

Thank you.

James T. O’Hora

Republican Town Committee chairman, 2010 to 2014

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