Letter: Mallozzi-Williams for First Selectman-Selectman

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I’ve had the pleasure of serving in a variety of capacities on Rob and Nick’s previous campaigns, most recently as co-chair of Rob’s 2013 run.

As a good friend of both, I’ve attended countless campaign events in their honor, but last Friday’s ‘Celebrate New Canaan Party’ encapsulated what these two truly represent. The amazing turnout by their supporters represented a wide cross-section of our community, but there was a single attribute common to each: These citizens all play important and vital roles in our community.

Forget being just ‘movers and shakers’, these supporters also represent the majority of the ‘roll up your sleeves and get things done crew’! These supporters, friends and colleagues are all a direct reflection of what Rob and Nick have represented and worked for since they moved to town. From the early years of their careers and raising young families in New Canaan, through to the dedication they show for the town and its citizens today, both devote long hours and thought leadership to the town they love.

Quite simply, both Rob and Nick have done a terrific job as our town leaders. They’ve brought many residents into town commission and committee roles, encouraged volunteerism and initiated or supported every idea possible to make sure New Canaan is always to be celebrated.

I fully endorse Rob and Nick once again. Experience matters!

Al duPont

[Editor’s Note: NewCanaanite.com will accept endorsement letters for this year’s election through Oct. 31.]

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