Letter: ‘Kit for First’—Unmatched Leadership, Integrity and Judgment

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I am writing in support of Kit Devereaux’s candidacy for first selectman. I have known Kit well for 25 of the 37 years I have lived in New Canaan, often consulting about numerous town issues while serving in different areas of government and local groups.

Kit is passionately dedicated to public service and has worked tirelessly for years to improve the town she loves; her service in leadership roles in countless New Canaan government and other organizations is unmatched. With her special, personal blend of collaboration and inclusivity, she consistently strives to pull together often divergent approaches to complex issues. Reaching out to all constituencies, and actually inviting the contribution of differing views, to which she listens carefully, she then synthesizes information and builds consensus, to arrive at both pragmatic and creative resolutions and develop lasting policy. Kit doesn’t just talk about transparency of process—she is transparency personified.

Kit’s unrelenting integrity and excellent judgment have earned her the utmost respect of her colleagues across many boards and committees. With her financial expertise, wide town experience, and collaborative style, she will openly consult with town bodies to provide focus and resolution of the numerous challenging and pressing issues facing New Canaan.

New Canaan is extremely fortunate to have this opportunity to elect such a talented, dedicated and highly qualified person as our first selectman! Become informed and learn about her views on her website here. Whatever your political affiliation, please join me in casting your vote for Kit!

Joan Guzzetti

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