Letter: Kevin Moynihan for First Selectman

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Kevin Moynihan has done an excellent job in his two years as First Selectman. His record of accomplishments is outstanding. He has earned another two years at the helm. Kevin has made progress on the problems that have nagged the town for years. He has improved parking availability, made natural gas a reality, and progressed cell phone coverage. 

Kevin has attacked the sustainability of the town and low utilization of the town buildings. Natural gas in the town center and solar arrays sprouting on town buildings improve the safety and carbon footprint of the town. The fate of the Outback has gone from being torn down to housing town offices and renting the upstairs to a youth dance studio. He has worked on finding space for the school offices in town owned space to eliminate a costly lease, including assessing and wisely rejecting the purchase of the Covia building.

Financially Kevin underran the 2018-19 budget; the savings going to the general fund. He put a spending budget in place for 2019-20 that is below the rate of inflation and reduces debt. Responsible financial stewardship. 

Kevin has made great strides in the transparency and accessibility of the town administration. He attends town events, whether a holiday or the recognition of town volunteers. He initiated a briefing for the press on a regular basis, as well as the Town Council and Board of Finance.

Kevin deserves a second term. 

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