Letter: In Support of Mike Mauro for Vacated Town Council Seat

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Attorney Mike Mauro is the only correct candidate to assume the Town Council seat vacated by Ken Campbell.

Mike Mauro was vetted during the two, Town Council candidate only, televised Republican Caucus debates responding to questions from and moderated by the owner-editor of the New Canaanite and editor of the New Canaan Advertiser.

He also was vetted in the written responses to the published media Q-and-A forums that appeared in our town newspapers.

Mike is brilliant, has the highest standards of civility, dedicated, loves our town and a dedicated family man. Above all he has the expertise that the Town Council Currently lacks—in labor law and labor dispute negotiating.

If Mike Mauro is not granted this opportunity and seat on our Town Council it will be a rare opportunity lost. My choice is Mike Mauro to represent our interests on the Town Council.

Roy Abramowitz CPA

3 thoughts on “Letter: In Support of Mike Mauro for Vacated Town Council Seat

    • Section 4-4 of the Town Charter: “Any vacancy on the Town Council shall be filled for the unexpired term at the next succeeding biennial Town election or at a special election held on the date of the next regular state election, whichever shall first occur; provided, however, that until such election such vacancy shall be filled by the Town Council.”

      The last time this happened in New Canaan was, I think, when Town Councilman Tom O’Dea won election to the state legislature in 2012.

      I’ve seen some of the back-and-forth on Chris’s Op-Ed here on our Facebook page, and just to make two quick observations:

      1. New Canaan Democrats last year put three candidates for Town Council on the ballot in hopes of “picking up” a seat there. Heading into the 2017 election, six Town Council seats were up for election and they had been occupied by two Democrats (Kathleen Corbet and Sven Englund) and four Republicans (Kevin Moynihan, Penny Young, John Engel and Bill Walbert). The Republicans at their caucus simply backed four candidates for the ballot for those four spots. I do not see how the Democrats’ strategy, which gamely placed an “extra” name from the party on the ballot, translates into some right to this newly open seat, which has been occupied by a Republican, over a member of the Republican party who had finished out of the top-four at the GOP caucus. It just doesn’t make sense to me—we’re talking about one party’s decision of strategy, not some sort of “getting further” in the local elections.

      2. If the makeup of the Town Council truly was to reflect the party affiliation of the electorate, then its 12 members would break down something like this: five or six Republicans, three or four unaffiliated voters and two or three Democrats.

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