A New Canaan man is searching for the owner of an injured cat that turned up this week at his Dan’s Highway home.

This male cat was found in a Dan’s Highway garage on Dec. 28, 2016. Photo published with permission from its owner
Dimitri Andreakis said the male cat he found in his garage on Wednesday morning first was spotted Tuesday on his property.
The orange cat’s foreleg clearly had been broken because “it was bent backwards,” Andreakis said.
The New Canaan resident isn’t sure just how the cat got into his garage, but he gave him food, took him to veterinarian in Stamford and is seeing through the animal’s care while searching for an owner.
“I’m going to name him, ‘Lucky,’ I think,” Andreakis told NewCanaanite.com. “I was thinking to myself, ‘It’s impossible for this cat to survive—we hear coyotes all the time where I live, there is no way a cat is going to survive out here.’ ”
Yet he did. If ‘Lucky’ isn’t claimed, Andreakis said he would adopt the animal himself.
And if that happens, Lucky will join a very large family: Andreakis has six dogs, all rescued golden retrievers, and nine rescued cats.
The vet—Lucky is recovering at Just Cats Veterinary Hospital—told Andreakis that the animal was dehydrated on arrival and had to be sedated to undergo surgery for the broken leg. Andreakis is still waiting for an estimate of the cat’s age.
He contacted the Animal Control section of the New Canaan Police Department—an agency that many residents will notify in the event of a lost pet—and asks that anyone who thinks Lucky may be their cat phone him at 203-505-2316.
check the bright colored posters around Lambert/
Country Club/Smith Ridge.
I have spoken to 2 ppl in town who have lost an orange cat but it doesn’t belong to either of them as their cats were older and this little guy is about 1-3 years old.
Please find a way to verify that whoever claims “Lucky” is indeed his master….he doesn’t need any more bad luck. And thank you for your wonderful caring heart and generosity.
Trust me whoever tries to claim Lucky will have to prove that it’s their cat. Besides that they will have to pay a hefty vet bill. ?
Thank you for taking in Lucky…and getting him the medical care he needs…you are a very kind person.