From the New Canaan Police Chief’s Desk: Beware Phony Veterans Organizations This Holiday Season

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By Leon Krolikowski, Chief of Police

From the days of the Revolutionary War through the two World Wars of the 20th century to the regional conflicts of the 21st century as well as the ongoing War on Terror, our Veterans have stood on the front lines to preserve the freedoms that we cherish. As a result, every Veteran deserves our gratitude.

On Nov. 11, Veterans Day, we honor those who pledged to protect and serve our great country-our Veterans. Veterans Day honors the service and sacrifice of those who have served in the U.S. Military.

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a good time to remind the good and patriotic citizens of New Canaan to be aware of phony organizations who “solicit” on behalf of Veterans.

Two years ago, prior to the 4th of July, Peter Langenus, the Commander of New Canaan’s Veterans of Foreign War Post 653 received a telephone call from a shopper who had been approached for a money donation in front of the Food Emporium. The shopper thought that the solicitor’s military uniform seemed to be a mismatch of different uniforms and of different branches of the service. She asked Mr. Langenus to confirm the status of the organization soliciting funds. Mr. Langenus went to the Food Emporium and confirmed the shopper’s suspicions. The solicitor was wearing a hodge-podge of outdated uniforms and was relying on the goodness of New Canaan residents to donate monies to him.

With the assistance of the Food Emporium Manager, the solicitor was invited to leave the Food Emporium at once. The organization on behalf of which the solicitor was working is an organization over 100 miles distant from New Canaan. The solicitor had been dropped off in front of the Food Emporium with a table and some buttons with a promise to pick him up at 5:00pm.

Several years ago an organization known as the Veterans Support Organization (VSO) was soliciting contributions from customers outside the Walgreen’s store. VSO is not related to the Veterans Administration, to the United Services Organization or to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. VSO was profiled in a “Hall of Shame” report by Fox Five New York TV reporter Arnold Diaz.

In that profile, Diaz exposed VSO for hiring “solicitors” to pose in pseudo-military uniforms who are then paid a commission and are allowed to keep 30 percent of what they raise from unsuspecting donors. Diaz also reported on the criminal history of some of its officers, one of whom has a lengthy history as a con man and has convictions for forgery, credit card fraud and scheme to defraud. At best, 15 percent of what VSO raises may go to legitimate veterans’ causes; 85 percent of the funds raised go for overhead such as officers’ salaries and commissions for the paid solicitors. The state of Tennessee has fined VSO for its fundraising practices.

As the holidays approach we expect more bogus organizations and individuals to approach unsuspecting Town residents who assume that they are donating to a legitimate charity. The New Canaan Post 653 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) solicits for funds just twice a year, before Memorial Day and before Christmas. These funds all stay in New Canaan and are used only for legitimate purposes such as Christmas Wreaths placed on Veterans’ gravesites each December. You can trust the men and women of New Canaan VFW Post 653

If you are unsure of whether an organization is a legitimate charity, please contact our department at 203-594-3500 or contact me directly via e-mail at before you make a donation and we will help you make an informed decision.

Let’s honor all of our Veterans by contributing to legitimate charities that help our Veterans-especially the hundreds of Veterans that live in New Canaan.

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