Election 2016: Where New Canaanites Are Contributing [TABLE]

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This election season is well underway, with presidential candidate debates scheduled to start next month and New Canaanites expected to vote on a series of recommended changes to the town’s major governing document. What follows is a table compiled with information from the Federal Election Commission on where New Canaanites are contributing. It includes information for calendar year 2016 only:

Election 2016: Where New Canaanites Are Contributing

Contributions to Super PACs, Hybrid PACs and Historical Soft Money Party Accounts  
CommitteeTransaction Date**Amount***
Startups for America Super PACJan. 28$2,700
Democratic Advancement PACJune 10$250
Coalition for ProgressMay 23$10,000
Conservative Solutions PACJan. 25$25,000
Conservative Solutions PACJan. 25$25,000
New Day for AmericaJan. 25$50,000
Contributions to All Other Political Committees Except Joint Fundraising Committees
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$2,927.50
Emily's ListJan. 13$350
Volunteers for NehlenJune 1-$2,700
Right To Rise USAApril 18$3,000
Marco Rubio for PresidentMay 13$2,500
Republican National CommitteeMay 18-$38,057.50
Jeb 2016 Inc.Feb. 24-$2,700
Right To Rise USAMay 2$250
Friends of Patrick MurphyApril 15-$52
Friends of SchumerMay 11-$1,171
Xerox Corporation Political Action CommitteeFeb. 29$500
Xerox Corporation Political Action CommitteeApril 29$150
Xerox Corporation Political Action CommitteeMay 31$150
Xerox Corporation Political Action CommitteeJune 30$150
Friends of Chauncey GossMay 23$1,000
Friends of Chauncey GossJune 17$1,690
Friends of Joe HeckMay 18$1,000
Friends of John SarbanesFeb. 26$250
CHC Bold PACFeb. 5$250
ActBlueFeb. 5$250
Friends of Chris MurphyJune 16$100
Elizabeth for MA Inc.June 6$250
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$2,927.50
Marco Rubio for PresidentMay 13-$2,700
Republican National CommitteeJune 29$150
Tony Cardenas for CongressApril 11$556
Friends of SchumerMarch 31$2,700
Gary Johnson 2016June 13$2,700
Rand Paul for US Senate 2016May 31-$100
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 9$110
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 22$110
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 23$110
Republican National CommitteeApril 15$110
Republican National CommitteeJune 9$110
Republican National CommitteeJan. 28$1,000
Bernie 2016May 2$50
Donald J. Trump for President Inc.June 30$150
Brent 4 CongressJune 13$250
Republican National CommitteeJune 6$300
Friends of Joe SestakMarch 16$1,700
Blumenauer for CongressMay 12$1,700
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeMarch 29$250
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeMay 6$25
Emily's ListMay 27$200
Shaban for CongresssJune 29$250
Emily's ListApril 28$225
Darlene Miller for CongressMarch 23$5,400
Darlene Miller for CongressMarch 24-$2,700
Darlene Miller for CongressMarch 24$2,700
Republican National CommitteeJan. 19$305
Hogan Lovells PACJune 28$250
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 16$100
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 28$75
Republican National CommitteeJan. 20$250
Arnold & Porter LLP Partners PACJan. 30$218.75
Arnold & Porter LLP Partners PACApril 22$218.75
Arnold & Porter LLP Partners PACJune 30$218.75
Capital One Financial Corp. Assoc. Political FundFeb. 19$1,500
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$585.50
DNC Services Corp/Dem Nat'l CommitteeMay 17$1,015
Emily's ListMarch 7$250
Friends of SchumerMarch 28$500
Friends of SchumerFeb. 26$2,700
Rand Paul for US Senate 2016June 30-$2,600
Kelley Drye & Warren PACApril 1$2,500
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2-$2,700
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2$2,700
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2$5,400
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2-$5,400
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2-$2,700
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2$2,700
Tom O'Halleran for CongressJune 2$10,800
Marco Rubio for PresidentMay 13-$2,700
Cruz for PresidentJan. 18$100
Cruz for PresidentJan. 19$100
Cruz for PresidentJan. 28$50
Cruz for PresidentJan. 31$50
Drinker Biddle PACApril 6$100
Drinker Biddle PACMay 5$100
Drinker Biddle PACJune 6$100
Friends of Chris MurphyMarch 31$500
General Motors Company PACJune 15$10
General Motors Company PACJune 30$100
General Motors Company PACFeb. 15$100
General Motors Company PACFeb. 28$100
General Motors Company PACMarch 15$100
General Motors Company PACMarch 31$100
General Motors Company PACApril 15$100
General Motors Company PACApril 30$100
General Motors Company PACMay 15$100
General Motors Company PACMay 31$100
MoveOn.org Political ActionJune 15$750
Emily's ListMarch 4$5,000
National Committee for an Effective CongressJune 8$250
Dollars for DemocratsJune 8$250
DSCCMarch 16$1,000
Emily's ListFeb. 24$1,000
Emily's ListJune 10$2,000
Democratic Advancement PACMarch 8$350
Emily's ListMarch 15$250
Emily's ListJune 3$350
Derrick for CongressMay 2$1,000
Jim Gray for KentuckyMay 23$500
Liberty Action GroupJune 4$250
Republican National CommitteeJan. 29$2,000
Republican National CommitteeApril 4$500
Shaban for CongressMay 13$250
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.March 2$210.13
Republican National CommitteeApril 4$100
Republican National CommitteeApril 23$75
Republican National CommitteeJan. 1$25
Bernie 2016Jan. 8$50
Bernie 2016Jan. 14$25
Bernie 2016Feb. 2$25
Bernie 2016Feb. 9$27
Bernie 2016Feb. 14$50
Bernie 2016Feb. 15$25
Bernie 2016Feb. 29$27
Bernie 2016April 14$27
Bernie 2016May 14$25
Bernie 2016May 18$25
Bernie 2016June 14$25
Bernie 2016May 2$25
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$585.50
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$5,855
Right To Rise USAMay 2-$5,855
Friends of Chris MurphyJan. 27$250
Mowrer for IowaMay 3$250
Mowrer for IowaMay 3$250
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 22$5
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 28$10
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 30$10
Ron Johnson for Senate Inc.July 10$2,700
Republican National CommitteeJan. 8$1,600
Republican National CommitteeJan. 8$33,400
Mike Gallagher for WisconsinMarch 30$250
Mike Gallagher for WisconsinMarch 30$250
Mike Gallagher for WisconsinJune 30$1,000
Republican National CommitteeApril 5$1,000
Marco Rubio for PresidentMay 13-$2,700
Marco Rubio for PresidentMay 13-$2,700
Arch Capital Group Inc. PACMay 31$50
Arch Capital Group Inc. PACJune 30$50
Blumenthal Senate VictoryApril 27$1,000
Debbie Wasserman Schultz for CongressJune 16$1,000
Krysten Sinema for CongressMay 26$1,000
Friends of SchumerMarch 19$2,000
Tammy Baldwin for SenateJune 24$500
Donald J. Turmp for President Inc.June 26$250
Republican National CommitteeJan. 13$250
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 4$50
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America PACMarch 5$2,500
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America PACJune 10$1,000
ActBlueFeb. 10$50
ActBlueFeb. 10$50
ActBlueMarch 10$50
ActBlueApril 10$50
ActBlueMay 4$50
ActBlueMay 10$50
ActBlueMay 14$50
MoveOn.org Political ActionApril 5$200
Emily's ListJune 29$1,000
Elizabeth for MA IncMay 15$125
Elizabeth for MA IncJune 29$400
MoveOn.org Political ActionMarch 15$400
Visa Inc. PACFeb. 8$5,000
Republican National CommitteeApril 14$25,000
Republican National CommitteeApril 14$25,000
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 8$120
Republican National CommitteeFeb. 25$120
Donald J. Trump for President Inc.June 24$250
Marco Rubio for PresidentFeb. 12-$2,700
Emily's ListApril 29$250
DCCCApril 21$1,000
Friends of Chris MurphyMarch 24$500
Connecticut Democratic State Central CommitteeJune 1$1,000
Blumenthal for ConnecticutJan. 25$500
Joint Fundraising Contributions
Trump VictoryJune 16$10,000
The Pittenger Victory FundMay 4$1,000
Kaine for Common GroundFeb. 29$2,500
Off the Sidelines Senate 2016March 16$1,000
McCain-Ayotte Joint Victory CommitteeJune 20$2,700
McHenry Leadership FundMay 16$2,300
McCain-Ayotte Joint Victory CommitteeJune 27$2,700
Crowley Leadership FundFeb. 29$1,000
Portman Victory CommitteeJune 30$10,000
Portman Victory CommitteeJune 30$10,000
Trump Make America Great Again CommitteeJune 26$1,000
Trump Make America Great Again CommitteeJune 29$250
Trump Make America Great Again CommitteeJune 29$250
Trump Make America Great Again CommitteeJune 29$250
Trump Make America Great Again CommitteeJune 26$1,000
McCain-Ayotte Joint Victory CommitteeJune 21$2,700
* Source: Federal Election Commission
** All dates are 2016
***Checks not used for a variety of reasons may appear as a negative entry

6 thoughts on “Election 2016: Where New Canaanites Are Contributing [TABLE]

  1. I was very surprised to see your listing of political donations made by New Canaan residents. While this information is available by the FEC it is generally not openly published. While I am a huge fan of you publication and will support it in any way I can, I feel that publishing this data was inappropriate and does not serve well to the persons and organizations involved. As the Treasurer of the Democratic Town Committee I will never provide a list of our donors for publication, although by law I must provide this to the State Elections Enforcement Commission in my quarterly reports. I am also sure that my Republican counterpart will fully agree with me.

    • Thanks for submitting your comment, Bernard. I’m surprised to hear that you feel this way. Our only thought in publishing this list was to give an idea of what candidates and committees New Canaan constituents are supporting, not to affect any individual or organization. Maybe I’m being naive here, but I also felt that since so many of the beneficiaries are political committees or candidates from rather faraway states in obscure races, there’s not a lot of information to glean from a donor contribution. That it’s public information frankly had nothing to do with my decision, as I decline to publish information all the time on principle—for example, names of arrested people. In my view, the list only represents local people who are actively engaged in a democratic process and says nothing about them personally—then again, I watch very little cable news. If I get the sense that others feel differently and agree with you, I’m happy to remove the table column that includes donors’ names. Honestly I do not have strong feelings either way, and it could be that just including the donation info without the names accomplishes the same thing. As you know, it’s never our intention to hurt local people or the wider community, quite the opposite. Thank you again.

  2. I agree with Bernard. For the record, i am the former DTC Chair, and i did not talk to anyone on the DTC about this (don’t want to convey impression that these views represent the organization itself). But, I just don’t get this. Yes, it is publicly available, so if anyone wants to do the legwork to find out who’s donating to who and how much, more power to them. But, this feels voyeuristic to me. How much people give and to whom feels like a personal decision, and when people donate, they honestly don’t expect to have these actions blaring out on the small town news. Mike, i think this decision of yours could have a chilling effect on people here contributing. I know it would make me think twice to know that my actions would appear here. If this is coming from someone who has been about as public about her support of Democrats here in an overwhelmingly Republican town, then i can only imagine what it would do to people who want to keep their political affiliations and support more private.

    • Jane, thank you for submitting your comment. At this point, we have the comments on the site and a handful of emails, most urging me to preserve the list and one to delete it. What I am planning to do is get a sense of the room at our next Community Coffee which is 9:30 a.m. at the library on Thursday, Sept. 1. As I say, I’m happy to remove the column listing names if I get a sense there’s strong sentiment to do that, and will keep that in mind covering election season in the future. To be honest, I am leaning toward deleting the list now with the possibility of restoring it later, and the main reason is that as I receive emails from those who want me to preserve it, their reasons in nearly every case are that they want those supporting one particular candidate to be known, not in an informative way but what seems like a personal way, so that feels a little off to me and as I say, was never my intention here. I think I know what you mean by the word ‘voyeuristic’ though if you read up through this comment thread that presumption likely would go away. Thanks again.

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