DPW: Bring Storm-Related Brush and Debris to Transfer Station, Not Roadway

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Town officials are advising New Canaanites to bring brush and debris uprooted or felled during recent storms to the Transfer Station rather than placing it at their property’s edge or in the street.

Ponus Ridge in New Canaan on March 2, 2018. Marie Dinan photo

The Department of Public Works will not collect roadside trees or brush, even if it’s placed in the town right-of-way, according to DPW Director Tiger Mann. The town is only collecting debris that ended up there on its own.

Normal disposal rates at the Transfer Station will apply, Mann said.

Anyone with questions can contact the DPW at 203-594-3054.

New Canaan like much of the region was sent reeling after a high-wind storm on March 2 was followed by a wet, heavy snowstorm on March 7 that brought down trees, branches and power lines, knocking out power to more than one-third of homes in town.

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