Dog-on-Dog Attack on Avalon Drive West; Deceased Cat on 106

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Police say a Rottweiler-mixed breed dog ran out of its Lakeview Avenue condominium last weekend and attacked a poodle.

The Avalon Drive West poodle mix suffered severe cuts after a neighbor, a Rottweiler mix, attacked the animal just after midday on April 26, 2015. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Police Department Animal Control Unit

The Avalon Drive West poodle mix suffered severe cuts after a neighbor, a Rottweiler mix, attacked the animal just after midday on April 26, 2015. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Police Department Animal Control Unit

The Rottie mix at about 12:02 p.m. on April 26 had been sitting inside on a couch and the door was open because the Avalon Drive West unit was having some work done following water damage, according to Animal Control Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt.

The poodle, also a mixed breed, was being walked by its owner, who also lives in the complex, when it was set upon by the Rottie, according to a police report.

Both dogs are up-to-date on their shots, police said, though the Rottie had not up to that point been licensed with the town.

Since the attack occurred on community property at Avalon, the Rottie that got out cannot be considered “roaming” (an infraction offense), police said.


Police at about 11:24 a.m. on April 25 found an older pug that had gone missing from its East Avenue home. The animal did not have its tags on and wasn’t chipped, Kleinschmitt said.

It was impounded and its owner claimed the animal, she said.


Police couldn’t locate a reportedly sick raccoon spotted on Oenoke Ridge Road near West Road at 1:18 p.m. on April 21.


Finally, a deceased black-and-white, intact male cat was found under the railroad bridge on Old Stamford Road at 11:54 a.m. on April 20.

Nobody had called in to report a missing cat fitting the animal’s description, Kleinschmitt said.

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