Dr. Sven Englund, 93, received a standing ovation at the October 20 meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission after it was announced by Chairman Daniel Stepanek that the longtime commissioner and former chair would step down from the post after more than 30 years.
“From the bottom of our hearts, I want to thank you very much and everyone else does too,” Stepanek said during impromptu remarks following roll call.
Englund described his time on the commission as “in many ways very rewarding, very exciting, very interesting.”
“And unfortunately I’m getting a little older than I used to be,” he told more than a dozen attendees, most of them on hand for the Weed Street subdivision/driveway item. “I’m 93 years old, I move a little slower and I think it’s time to begin back away from some of the commissions that I am a member of, so I will say it’s been a very interesting time, I’ve met a lot of interesting people, the members of the commission have always been interesting, thoughtful and when they joined they’ve been neophytes but they learned their lessons rather quickly and everybody has done a wonderful job.”
Stepanek said celebrations marking Englund’s tenure and contributions are planned for December.

Here’s the “Gospel Garden” at at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, where are grown the fresh vegetables available at the New Canaan Food Pantry. Credit: Michael Dinan
Clients of the New Canaan Food Pantry are doubly fortunate this growing season for the generosity of Lexi Gazy and the Farmers Market for the produce they’re donating to the pantry: Word is that groundhogs this summer got into the wonderful Gospel Garden right there at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, which also produces fresh produce for the food bank.
One member of the Historic District Commission is asking town officials to notify the group that’s responsible for all exterior changes to properties (roughly) surrounding God’s Acre for a heads-up prior to capital projects on the sidewalks there. Right now, the sidewalk between Vine Cottage and God’s Acre is being replaced so it’s no longer at grade with the roadway. Commissioner Terry Spring said the last time something similar was done was when the sidewalk was replaced in front of Dick Bergman’s 1836 antique home at 63 Park St.

The Town is replacing this sidewalk between Vine Cottage and the bottom of God’s Acre with a new, raised sidewalk that won’t be at grade with the roadway. Credit: Michael Dinan
“I think it’s a good policy for the town—in fact, there are some requirements, if you read the regulations—that they consult with us,” Spring said at the group’s meeting Thursday, held at the New Canaan Historical Society.
Commission Acting Chairman Janet Lindstrom agreed and added that the work done will improve the appearance of the street and safety there.
Former New Canaan First Selectman Jeb Walker and Nancy Rauscher married on Oct. 18.