Deep Valley Road Man Cited for Allowing a Dog To Roam After Border Collies Circle Passerby

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Police cited a Deep Valley Road man with two counts of allowing a dog to roam after his two border collies circled, barked at and jumped up on a woman walking her smaller dog along the street on a recent morning.

The New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control unit last Tuesday received a report that the woman, walking her 27-pound Labradoodle, had been set upon by the two collies, both nine years old, according to a police report. The woman picked up her dog to protect it, officials said.

According to Animal Control Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt, the man who owns the dog has had many instances of the animals getting loose off-property “but this is the first time they’ve actually circled and tried to get at dogs.”

“They’ve never been known to be aggressive” before, Kleinschmitt said.

Each summons for allowing a dog to roam carries a $92 fine.


Police at about 10:42 a.m. on Aug. 26 responded to a report from upper Weed Street that a raccoon had taken up residence in a doghouse. Arriving, police found a baby raccoon asleep inside the doghouse. The animal was acting normally, so police brought it to a different part of the property and set the raccoon loose.


Animal Control officers minded a beagle that came in around 4 p.m. two Sundays ago after the animal was picked up while roaming up on the Pound Ridge, N.Y. border. The dog lives at Proprietors Crossing and was returned to its owner last Tuesday, Kleinschmitt said.

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