Citing concerns about sight lines brought by a resident there, officials last week voted unanimously to mark off a portion of Summer Street as ‘no parking.’

The view down Summer Street off of Lakeview Avenue. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Police Commission voted 3-0 at its regular meeting Wednesday night to install no parking signs on the east side of the street near the intersection with Lakeview Avenue.
Police Capt. John DiFederico told members of the Police Commission, which oversees on-street parking in New Canaan, that cars have ample space to park on the other side of Summer.
“When cars park on her side of the street, she can’t get out of the driveway because there’s a curve in the road and she can’t see out of the driveway,” he said.
Motorists pulling onto Summer from Lakeview Avenue often are traveling a decent speed, as the intersection has wide sight lines for cars, but Summer then curves down and around to the right, creating hidden driveways for the homes tucked in there.
According to DiFederico, the woman also had requested a stop sign on Lakeview Avenue at Summer Street. However, given the sight lines, “there is no need for it,” he said.