Letter: An Important Time To Support Waveny LifeCare Network

A few days ago, Waveny LifeCare Network sent an appeal for donations to its donor community noting it has suspended all visitations, including its 400 volunteers, in order to protect its residents and staff. On receiving the appeal, I called Waveny to better understand the challenges it is facing. Waveny is a not for profit organization dependent on donations to close the gap between revenue from its programs and the costs of its operations. 

The first thing I learned is that the popular Adult Day Care program has been suspended. This is a day program for seniors who live at home that takes place at the Farm Road campus. Waveny cannot run the risk of program participants who might be infected coming into the facility.

Letter: Safeguarding Waveny’s Name Amid the Oenoke Ridge Controversy

I have struggled with mixed feelings – even cognitive dissonance – regarding Waveny’s Oenoke Ridge proposal, and now the period for public comment to the P&Z Commission has come and gone. My wife and I are New Canaan seniors, having lived here for 31 years, and recognize the need for housing units of the type and volume proposed as a way to keep more seniors living in town. We also greatly admire Waveny LifeCare Network and its work, believe that Waveny is well placed to undertake a project like this and thereby complete its service continuum, and understand how difficult it has proven to find a suitable location to build such a large structure. We are not neighbors of the proposed location. However, I drive to town almost every day along Oenoke Ridge: a gateway to downtown from the north of New Canaan, Pound Ridge and beyond.

Op-Ed: In Fields Project’s Wake, Town Treasurer Candidate Says New Canaan Can Do Better

There is an old saying about construction projects: “good, quick, cheap – pick the two you want because you can’t have all three.” I don’t know enough about the $800,000 additional funding requirement to complete the turf fields / track project to suggest which of these criteria mattered most at the time the project was planned, nor will I repeat all that has already been written about this matter, which divided the Town Council. What I will say, as a CPA and candidate for Town Treasurer, is that town hall needs to learn from the mistakes that were made and install stronger financial controls over major capital projects, from the budgeting stage, through bidding and contracting, and during construction. In public / private partnerships such as this one, it is the town that has to make up the shortfall if additional private funds are not forthcoming. I am a director of a small gold mining company that has recently completed the development of a complex underground mine on time and on budget, for a cost of roughly ten times that of the fields project. We have undertaken other capital projects over recent years, smaller in scope, that have run over budget.

Op-Ed: CPA as Town Treasurer Can Make a Difference

I am a CPA running for town treasurer in the November election. We came to New Canaan in 1988 and own no other home. This is our town and I want to use my experience to give back. The office of town treasurer is where I can have to most impact. Why?

Op-Ed: New Canaan Democrat Rob Fryer on ‘Why I Am Running for Town Treasurer’

I am seeking nomination as Democratic candidate for town treasurer to provide the active, professional oversight of taxpayers’ dollars our community deserves. New Canaan needs a treasurer with a finance and accounting background and career – our town has not had one for decades. I have an accounting degree and spent my career as a partner with one of the “Big-4” firms practicing as a CPA, serving in leadership roles and working with large corporate clients. I have been a New Canaan resident for nearly 30 years. For several years, our auditors have identified “material weaknesses” in New Canaan’s financial controls.