Parking Commission Opposed to Double Yellow Line in Morse Court

Members of the New Canaan Parking Commission at their most recent meeting said they are opposed to a traffic consultant’s recommendation that Morse Court be double-yellow-lined, so as to eliminate “wrong way” parking on the north side of the road, which is used for access to the Morse Court Lot. The traffic consultant had first made the recommendation during a meeting of the Police Commission several weeks ago—when possible changes to parking and crosswalks on Main Street were discussed—and it was reported by NewCanaanite. However, during the Nov. 7 meeting at Town Hall, Parking Commissioner Pamela Crum wanted to make it clear to the public that the appointed body is not in favor of this recommendation and, furthermore, that the road falls under the purview of the Parking Commission and not the Police Commission. “[This matter] results from an article in New Canaanite about a consultant that the police had hired who had suggested putting a double yellow line through Morse Court, so there would be a street, so you could put one-way parking down one side,” Crum explained.

Canopy Plan For Talmadge Hill Station Takes a Step Forward

A new canopy on the platform at Talmadge Hill Train Station would cost about $450,000, members of the New Canaan Parking Commission said last week. Commissioner Chris Hering, who is spearheading the plan, said he has received a quote from a private company for a 100-foot long bus-stop style canopy with solar panels, and that the quoted price includes installation. Hering said he has forwarded to quote the Board of Selectmen. That’s a fraction of the estimated $4 million the state would have spent installing a more permanent canopy in a previously submitted plan. However, as Hering noted during the Nov.

Parking Commission Wants More Charging Stations Downtown

More electric vehicle charging stations could be in New Canaan’s future should the powers that be heed the recommendations of the appointed body that oversees off-street parking here. Currently, New Canaan has just four town-owned charging stations—far fewer than “peer” municipalities such as Westport and Greenwich, according to members of the Parking Commission. Considering the rise in popularity of electric vehicles, the town has some catching up to do, officials say. The Commission during its Nov. 7 meeting decided to include in its set of annual recommendations to the Board of Selectmen a request that additional charging stations be installed a various locations throughout town including Morse Court, Locust Avenue and the public schools.

Commission Upholds Parking Tickets at Appeals Hearing

Several motorists appealed parking violations during last week’s meeting of the New Canaan Parking Commission. Mariann Funch said she came to New Canaan to shop on a Monday and parked on Elm Street. The Stamford resident told the Commission during her appeal hearing that she “put the space number into the machine and paid with three quarters, slowly, one at a time.” Funch went into the store for about 45 minutes and when she came back she had a ticket, she said during the hearing, held Nov. 7 in Town Hall. Funch said after she discovered the ticket on her vehicle she went back to check the parking kiosk and noticed that there was three quarters in the refund slot, indicating that her transaction never went through.

Parking Commission Mulls Free Downtown Parking

Should municipal parking lots in downtown New Canaan be free to all? The idea of eliminating metered parking in the downtown was discussed briefly during Thursday’s meeting of the Parking Commission at Town Hall. “There is the idea of not charging for the commercial parking lots—but still charging for the commuter parking lots, and still having enforcement of hours, whether it be two hours or three hours,” Parking Commission Chairman Keith Richey said, explaining an idea floated by Selectman Nick Williams during a recent Board of Selectmen meeting. Richey said a rough breakdown of the revenue between the commercial and commuter lots reveals that it would be a loss of about $200,000 in revenue for the town. 

“So, it wasn’t as bad as some people thought, because you’re still getting the commuter revenue,” he said, adding that revenue generated from infractions would probably be comparable to what it is currently. “Because people will overstay… your ticket value may be unchanged,” Richey said.