Parking Commission Wants More Charging Stations Downtown

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More electric vehicle charging stations could be in New Canaan’s future should the powers that be heed the recommendations of the appointed body that oversees off-street parking here.

Currently, New Canaan has just four town-owned charging stations—far fewer than “peer” municipalities such as Westport and Greenwich, according to members of the Parking Commission. Considering the rise in popularity of electric vehicles, the town has some catching up to do, officials say.

The Commission during its Nov. 7 meeting decided to include in its set of annual recommendations to the Board of Selectmen a request that additional charging stations be installed a various locations throughout town including Morse Court, Locust Avenue and the public schools.

At first, Commission Chairman Keith Richey seemed leery of including EV stations in with the set of recommendations, which is basically a budget wishlist, yet Parking Commissioner Chris Hering emphasized that this was a “low cost” request, with each charging station at about $5,000.

“They [members of the Board of Selectmen] have never done any one of our recommendations before, so let’s shoot low and maybe we’ll get just one,” Hering said during the meeting at Town Hall, as his fellow commissioners chuckled.

Richey said he “can’t believe the charging stations are only $5,000—because it’s, like, $3,000 to put one in your home.”

At one point, the Commission had decided to include Town Hall as possible location for a charging station but Parking Commissioner Pam Crum objected to that idea. She expressed concern that people who are not using town hall will use that charging station, in effect resulting in the loss of a parking space for patrons of Town Hall.

Richey asked if the group should recommend adding charging stations at the public schools.

“No,” Parking Commissioner Peter Ogilvie said flatly.

Richey asked why not.

“Because there’s no [parking] turnover [in the lots],” Ogilvie said. “And why are we giving teachers extra benefits? It’s extra compensation.”

Richey said, “It costs nothing,” adding that “almost every office in Stamford” has a charging station.

Richey said he liked the idea of including the schools as a possible location more than Town Hall.

The Parking Commission previously discussed the idea of adding more charging stations in March.

4 thoughts on “Parking Commission Wants More Charging Stations Downtown

  1. I Do not understand the theory of charging stations. It’s the responsibility
    Of the driver to arrive in town with enough power. Just like people who use gas.
    I think limiting even
    More parking places for the general population is basically anti business.
    I would hate to be a store owner today. Enormous amount of parking
    Places taken over by dumb laws, and way too many handicap spaces. What is the ratio of handicap parking spaces to handicap people in town. Would love to
    Know. What is the ratio of electric cars to power stations. Would like to know. So far..and I don’t know the exact number… But we have lost a ton of
    Parking. The loss of parking spaces is a detriment to business in town. And being politically correct is also a detriment to business in town. I say enough to lost parking spaces on all fronts.

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Why do electric cars need to be charged on my tax dollars. I see that Toyota charging itself almost daily in town and think what a cheap dude. Moynihan, spend the town money wisely not lavishly.

  3. I have business interests in a small community in upstate New York [Cooperstown) and they recently installed two charging units at a cost of approximately $17,000 of which $12,500 was for equipment. They did receive a grant to cover a small portion of the costs. They charge ( no pun intended) for both the parking space and electric usage. Seems like we are being very generous with our limited parking spaces and our money

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