Letter: Grace Farms Has Helped ‘Full Court Peace’ Operate Year-Round

Over the past two years, the nonprofit, Full Court Peace, has grown financially and in its outreach. This would not have been possible without the support of Grace Farms Foundation and facility of Grace Farms.

Five years ago, I initiated a program to unite locally disadvantaged youth with their more affluent neighbors in Fairfield County through basketball. At first a once-per-year event, Grace Farms helped make this a year-round occurrence. Their administration made for a smooth, professional and thorough application process for the kids to use the facility, and their staff supported me as I put together various programs that worked toward our mission. Grace Farms is indeed a shared space for all to enjoy.

Letter: Outgoing NCHS Boys Hoops Coach Thanks the Community

It is a challenge for me to put into words how thankful I am for my four years in New Canaan. I coached great kids, I worked with great people, and I watched one class of boys grow from being timid freshmen to becoming young men. Just that–aiding in the maturation process of young people–is why my staff and I coach. “I’m from New Canaan,” I’ve told many kids over the years, “but where I’m from they call it Weston.” It is a common misconception that kids from these backgrounds, who sometimes have more than most, are immune to the problems of the world. In fact, they are exposed to far more complex issues and at far too young of an age.  For this, I will remember most vividly not the moments that required a backdoor cut or three-pointer, but instead the one-on-one talks with players in my office, the communication I maintain with alumni, and some of the parents that truly understood what it meant for their son to be a part of something bigger than themselves.