New Canaan Rail Commuters Risk Lives Crossing to Train Station [VIDEO]

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In our “REALLY?” feature, we observe those things that people do in New Canaan that make us scratch our heads.

Today, we watched three sets of rail commuters—those catching the 7:12, 7:23 and 7:57 a.m. trains to New York City—cross at Elm and Park to catch the train, often entering the roadway despite motor vehicles with the right of way (green lights) bearing down on them.

In nearly every case, the daring commuter had several minutes to spare. (Note: In the same span of time we saw several vehicles running red lights dangerously at this intersection, despite the pedestrian traffic.)

Prepare to see some close calls. For the sake of a better seat?


3 thoughts on “New Canaan Rail Commuters Risk Lives Crossing to Train Station [VIDEO]

  1. Seriously? I mean, Really? Of course the driver in the most rush in the last frame gives beamer drivers an even worse name. Looked like he almost his the guy in the crosswalk. I love the intro and outro. Who did the voice over? Wilbur? LOVE IT, REALLY I do!

  2. Food for thought… The Town Plan from 1973 called for traffic going in the opposite direction on Elm Street. This would do wonders for that intersection and prevent shoplifters from getting away so easily. Not to mention, that it is smart to direct traffic into the heart of our village rather than away from it.

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