Letter: ‘Women’s March’ in Stamford a Well-Organized, Peaceful Exercise of Free Speech

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Dear Editor,

I was proud to participate in the Women’s March in Stamford. The march was supposed to be a rally held in an auditorium at UConn Stamford, but as the number of people marching grew larger and larger, organizers had to move the rally to Mill River Park.

Fortunately, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a very positive experience throughout.

Our local rally was expertly organized. I’d like to thank the Stamford police for protecting our First Amendment rights and making sure everything ran smoothly. The 5,000 marchers were expressing unequivocal support of women’s rights and protections, including universal access to health care.

Many also conveyed apprehension over the harsh and extreme social agenda advanced by executive order by the new administration in Washington.

We came together to express solidarity with one another and to inspire each other as we stand up for our Constitutional rights.

I think the march in Stamford, one of hundreds of simultaneous marches around the country and indeed the entire world, was an example of how civic participation and social media can be used in a peaceful manner for good.

The exercise of free speech is the basis of our democracy. We will cherish and respect it always.


Christina Fagerstal, New Canaan

One thought on “Letter: ‘Women’s March’ in Stamford a Well-Organized, Peaceful Exercise of Free Speech

  1. Hooray for Christina and the other participants in the Womwn’s March. I too would have been there, but I am not in CT for the next few months. Thank you for representing me in Stamford last Saturday!!!

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