Editor: I’m on Vacation; Daily Newsletter Will Run

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Dear Readers,

Thanks so much for your support and regular visits to New Canaanite. As July closes, the news site is on track to exceed 100,000 pageviews for the eighth consecutive month. Here are the five most-read articles this summer so far (since June 20):

  1. ‘Merritt Village’ Unveiled: New Details, Concerns from Neighbors Emerge at First Public Hearing of Proposed Development
  2. ‘It’s Pretty Damning’: Outback Teen Center Was Incorrectly Constructed, Report Says; Fire Officials Close ‘Unsound’ Building To the Public
  3. PHOTOS: Sneak Peek Inside ‘Spiga’; Aug. 1 Opening for Italian Restaurant on Main
  4. ‘Responsive in Words But Not in Action’: Neighbors, Officials Eye Long-Neglected Richmond Hill Road Properties
  5. Did You Hear … ?
The NewCanaanite.com office office is at 140 Elm St.

The NewCanaanite.com office office is at 140 Elm St.

I will be off the news desk and on a vacation—really a “stay-cation” though I’m determined to avoid email—from Aug. 1 through 14.

Our daily newsletter (sign up here, it’s free, local and we never spam you) will continue to run every weekday while I’m away, with scheduled articles as well as contributions from our fabulous summer interns and from Patrick Barnard, who will step in as a guest editor these two weeks. If you have news tips or feedback to share, please contact Pat at pbarnard@verizon.net or 203-962-3086.

New Canaanite hats are available for purchase for $25, with all proceeds benefitting Wildlife In Crisis.

New Canaanite hats (adjustable) are available for purchase for $25, with all proceeds benefitting Wildlife In Crisis.

It was great to meet so many of you at the Sidewalk Sales two weekends ago—thank you for coming by our table. Special thanks to those who purchased a New Canaanite cap (all proceeds benefitting Wildlife In Crisis)—anyone who is interested in a cap (nautical red and adjustable, pictured at left), please fill out this form.

Hope to meet many more of you soon: Our monthly Community Coffee, held on the first Thursday of each month and run in partnership with New Canaan Library, now is drawing 30-plus guests at each installment. Please email me at editor@nctest.proxy02.mageenet.net to receive an Evite reminder. Our next coffee will be held Thursday, Sept. 1.

Thank you again.


4 thoughts on “Editor: I’m on Vacation; Daily Newsletter Will Run

  1. When you return from a well-deserved break, hope your first business will be to write a story on our three NC Olympians. Don’t know why this hasn’t been covered here or the Advertiser? All NCPS kids (one left midway junior year to train in CA). Let’s think of ways for our town to celebrate and honor them! Maybe some stores want to do something in their windows? An official proclamation from Town Hall?

    • Hi Becky, I need to amend my comment, as apparently another local outlet did run something previously in print, and now does have another story in the paper and online. Another idea is to put signs up at Farm Road and the Train Station. Don’t know who might want to organize this. I am a member of an NC Facebook group, and most people had not heard that we had three Olympians. My posting now has over 250 “likes” and a real desire to have our town do what it can to celebrate these kids. I’m just posting this here because I know that people from different parts of the NC Community read the Newcanaanite and participate in thoughtful discussions here. Mike, now I’m promoting YOUR Work!! Great community news site!!

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