‘Community Coffees’ Set for 1st Thursday of Each Month in 2016, Presented by New Canaanite in Partnership with New Canaan Library

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Following well-attended gatherings in June and October—and with your feedback in mind—NewCanaanite.com in partnership with New Canaan Library, is setting a regular monthly schedule in 2016 for community-wide coffees open to anyone who would like to hear or be heard: Please join founding editors Michael and Terry Dinan on the first Thursday morning of each month for a “Community Coffee.”

All coffees will be held 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Lamb Room at the library, and the 2016 schedule is:

  • Feb. 4
  • March 3
  • April 7
  • May 5
  • June 9 (this one is the second Thursday of the month)
  • July 7
  • Aug. 4
  • Sept. 1
  • Oct. 6
  • Nov. 3
  • Dec. 1

Our coverage plan on the news site calls for us to report on quality-of-life matters for locals, including traffic, parks, land use, pets, the downtown, public safety, local history, schools and parking—in other words, issues that affect pretty much everyone in New Canaan.

The coffee is an opportunity to discuss these matters and connect with our readers in person. We are grateful to the library for their partnership in presenting the monthly gatherings with us.

As we are local, we are also proud to offer Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee for the discussion.

It’s both an opportunity to connect with fellow New Canaanites, voicing your own opinions and concerns on local issues, as well as a chance to discuss our own coverage of the town and get information on submitting letters to editor, featuring your events in our community calendar and helping us share your news and views through our carefully curated social media channels.

We chose 9:30 a.m. after we received your feedback in our survey of the best possible times following October’s coffee—we’re very hopeful that parents of elementary school-aged kids, among others, can join us—and our plan is to hold at least one evening event at some point this year to accommodate the many readers who said they’d like to come but need to work during the day.

Looking forward to seeing you.

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