New Canaan High School ‘Post Prom’: A Primer

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A Community Tradition 56 Years in the Making

NCHS 2015 prom

NCHS 2015 prom

Post Prom originated in 1959 as the “Dance-After-the-Dance” and has been part of the fabric of New Canaan traditions ever since. This event is a gift from the parents and the New Canaan community to the graduating New Canaan High School Senior class each year and offers a safe and fun party at which to celebrate after the Senior Prom at Waveny House in New Canaan.

From NCHS 2015 pre-prom: The Risom twins Carly and Fiona, JP McMahon, Christian Megherby their dates and friends. Photo courtesy of the Risoms

From NCHS 2015 pre-prom: The Risom twins Carly and Fiona, JP McMahon, Christian Megherby their dates and friends. Photo courtesy of the Risoms

Senior Prom and Post Prom next year are on Friday, May 20, 2016 and parent volunteers have already started working on the 2016 Post Prom and the events leading up to it. The co-chairs for the 2016 Post Prom are Jenny LaFond and Amy Conley. All seniors, whether they attend Prom or not, are invited to attend the Post Prom festivities which include games, prizes and late night fun for all.

Post Prom Theme

NCHS 2015 prom

NCHS 2015 prom

The theme of Post Prom is always kept secret, even for most committee members, until the very last minute. This too is a tradition over 50 years in the making. Past themes include:

  • 1970’s: “The Beat Goes On” & “Morning Has Broken”
  • 1980’s: “Come Sail Away” & “It’s Only the Beginning”
  • 1990’s: “Star Wars” & Magical Mystery Tour”
  • 2000’s: “There’s No Place Like Home” & Live From New Canaan, It’s Saturday Night”

What will the 2016 theme be? No one will know until Post Prom opens its doors, but you can count on it being great!

Pre-prom at Roger Sherman Inn, NCHS Prom 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

Pre-prom at Roger Sherman Inn, NCHS Prom 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

Post Prom Support

Planning a late night party for over 300 students is no small task. We look to the parents, students and local community to support and sponsor the Post Prom party in many different ways. When asked to support the Post Prom party, please consider giving generously of your time and resources to ensure a great night for our Seniors.

NCHS Senior Fashion Show at New Canaan High School, March 28, 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

NCHS Senior Fashion Show at New Canaan High School, March 28, 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

Post Prom for Parents of NCHS Seniors

What can parents of NCHS Seniors do?

Help by making the suggested donation—contribute your student’s $150 Post Prom donation early:

  • You can give online here or if you’d like to send a check please make it payable to NCHS Post Prom and mail to: NCHS, 11 Farm Road, New Canaan ATTN: Post Prom 2016
  • Alex LaPolice with a Heisman move at the NCHS Senior Fashion Show at New Canaan High School, March 28, 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

    Alex LaPolice with a Heisman move at the NCHS Senior Fashion Show at New Canaan High School, March 28, 2015. Credit: Michael Dinan

    Contribute to the Senior Video: Help make the Senior Video great by collecting and sending in pictures of your seniors from their High School experience

  • Please email your photo in jpeg format to

Questions? Email

Go to the Fashion Show: Support the Senior Fashion Show by having your student volunteer to walk the runway, and by attending the event on Friday February 26, 2016.

Volunteers are still need for the day of the show. Contact the Fashion Show Chairs, Christine Betack, and Mary Ellen O’Mahony, for more information.

Watch out for and read those emails sent out to the Senior class parents – There’s so much to do to make this a great night and keep the tradition going strong.

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