11 Retiring New Canaan Educators Honored by Superintendent, Board of Ed

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Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi on Monday night offered high praise for 10 educators set to retire from New Canaan Public Schools at the end of the academic year this month.

Former Center School educators Elaine Scott (L) and Hazel Hobbs (R)—now a Saxe Middle School teacher and Board of Education chair, respectively—at the June 9, 2015 school board meeting that marked Scott's retirement and that of 10 other NCPS educators. Credit: Michael Dinan

Former Center School educators Elaine Scott (L) and Hazel Hobbs (R)—now a Saxe Middle School teacher and Board of Education chair, respectively—at the June 9, 2015 school board meeting that marked Scott’s retirement and that of 10 other NCPS educators. Credit: Michael Dinan

Saying the retirees each are leaving “his or her own powerful legacy as they leave our schools to explore this next stage of their lives,” Luizzi at the Board of Education meeting noted that their combined service in the schools totals some 230 years.

“We will always honor and cherish all they have done through the years on behalf of the children of New Canaan,” Luizzi said at the meeting, held in the Wagner Room at New Canaan High School and which featured a half-hour ice cream social to mark the occasion of the retirements as well as two graduating NCHS seniors who received an award from an advocacy group.

The Board of Ed on June 9, 2015 recognized 11 educators who are retiring at the end of this academic year, L-R: Jae Spooner, Sunnie Colen, John Barone, Donna Arrow, Linda Spenard, Rita Weissman, Elaine Scott, Diane Cooper, Christine Bonarrigo, Jillian Janowski. Not pictured: Jeffrey Kohn Credit: Michael Dinan

The Board of Ed on June 9, 2015 recognized 11 educators who are retiring at the end of this academic year, L-R: Jae Spooner, Sunnie Colen, John Barone, Donna Arrow, Linda Spenard, Rita Weissman, Elaine Scott, Diane Cooper, Christine Bonarrigo, Jillian Janowski. Not pictured: Jeffrey Kohn. Credit: Michael Dinan

What follows is a list of those who retired, with Luizzi’s comments. In addition to those listed here, Jeffrey Kohn, a 26-year veteran of NCPS, mostly as a fourth-grade teacher at South School, is retiring. Kohn could not attend the meeting.

Christine Bonarrigo—nine years, starting with the district in Reading, English and Remedial English.

  • “Chris came to us nine years ago as an educator with extensive experience from preschool through graduate school, and having worked with all levels, from challenged to gifted learners and everyone in between. She is a consummate teacher with a determined positive belief in the inherent ability of all students to succeed. Chris sees and understands the totality of the needs of her students, and she has dedicated her career to attending to those needs – emotionally, socially and educationally. Chris developed our ‘Literature of the Holocaust’ course for high school students. Under her leadership and thanks to her passion, this class has grown through the years from one section to four, from 25 students to over 100. Chris is also responsible for starting the NCHS Human Rights Club, through which student members participate in a series of conferences sponsored by the Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center. In recognition of these outstanding efforts, Chris was presented with the Susan J. Goldberg Memorial Teacher Award in 2013. This award is given to the teacher who best educates her school and/or community about the Holocaust and other human rights violations. Chris has been dedicated to teaching and learning with her colleagues as well. A few years ago, she began the NCHS Reading Team, which supports teachers in all academic areas in their instruction of reading and writing across the disciplines. She has served as a mentor to teachers in the department both formally and informally, and has always been an outstanding resource and guide for peers and colleagues. She and her husband, Dom, are hoping to have more time to spend with their two sons, daughter-in-law and daughter both here in New Canaan and at their home in Florida. Congratulations Chris, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Rita Weissman—14 years in speech pathology, mostly at South School.

  • “Throughout her 14 years in the New Canaan Public Schools, Rita Weissman has been a leader and mentor to colleagues, and a caring and supportive teacher for all students in her care. Rita has served as the Instructional Leader for many years for her special education colleagues and the South School learning support team. In that role, she has been an advocate for her team and has provided strong, positive leadership. In her position as a Speech and Language Pathologist, Rita provided valuable support to students with a wide variety of needs, and she always believed every child could succeed. Rita took the initiative to structure a very successful co-teaching model to support students in comprehension, and her efforts have made a difference in children’s lives. Rita has also formed strong partnerships with the parents of her students, and works together with parents to provide support at home as well as at school. Although we don’t have time for a number tonight, many will always remember Rita’s performance, with dance partner Matt Kascak, at the ‘Dancing with the Stars at South’ fundraiser a few years ago. When several of her students were asked to describe Mrs. Weissman, they shared: “Mrs. Weissman is very caring, nice and fun”; “I don’t want her to retire and I want her to stay with us until I leave South School”; “She helps us to learn by playing games with us, and she always shows us how happy she is when we do well”; and “I have all good things to say about Mrs. Weissman, nothing bad at all.” It is evident in all Rita does that she loves her students and cares deeply about them. Congratulations Rita, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Linda Spenard—14 years in special education at Saxe Middle School.

  • “Thanks to the great work she’s accomplished these past 14 years, Linda Spenard will leave behind a most important legacy, the voice and conscience for the belief that all children can learn, and most importantly, that they can learn together. Her belief in the virtue of a learning community, embracing all types of learners, has been a guiding force that has become deeply embedded into the professional culture at Saxe. Linda has always been a learner and pioneer in discovering new practices as a teacher and administrator. In addition to her advocacy for inclusive teaching, she led Saxe’s progress in seeking out more authentic descriptions of student learning. Using rubrics and frameworks to describe learning and to encourage student reflection, Linda has helped guide Saxe as it has begun reforming its grading system so that everyone, students, teachers, and parents alike, can better understand how students are doing and what they know and are able to do as a result in the disciplines. Linda has also been the master scheduler at Saxe, a complex task considering there are over 1250 students, two entirely different bell schedules, and a host of other challenges. She must be very good at Jenga, because she instinctually knows which block to move without having the entire thing come crashing down. Linda’s positive spirit and can-do attitude have had an impact across the district as well. For the past three years, she’s been nominated as “Social Coordinator” of the district administrative team. OK, given that administrators don’t have social lives, I guess that work hasn’t been too demanding. However, Linda’s unwavering dedication to the students of New Canaan shows in all that she’s done these past 14 years, and Saxe is the outstanding school it is today in part thanks to her commitment and passion. Congratulations Linda, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Dr. John Barone (NCHS)—14 years at New Canaan High School, starting in math and science and then teaching in science exclusively.

  • “John Barone has taught at New Canaan High School for the past 14 years. Before joining us in New Canaan, John worked as an executive with a corporate environmental consulting firm where he developed programs, trained staff, and monitored regulations. John, although it took you longer than most, we are all thrilled, especially your students, that you eventually figured out that you are a gifted education and that you are meant to be in the classroom. Truly, we’re very fortunate that you joined us in New Canaan 14 years ago. John taught a variety of courses at NCHS, including Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science, the Science Research Program, and Mathematics. His Ph. D. in Physics prepared him well for the rigor of the classroom, and his love of learning and commitment to his students enabled him to thrive as a teacher and mentor. Throughout his teaching career, John always sought innovative ways to engage his students. John is a master at developing intellectual risk taking and problem solving with his students, designing activities such as the balloon launcher in the cafeteria. I experienced this mastery first hand, as he stood above with the students and I sat below, wearing a helmet and poncho, waiting to be doused by the balloons… that’s mastery. John was also very involved outside of the classroom with students and colleagues. He coached girls basketball and golf, and has been very active with our student coalition through the years. Additionally, he chaired the faculty senate’s educational policies committee, and has always been an active contributor to building and district initiatives. John is known for believing in all of his students and encouraging them to succeed at the highest level possible. He is very much looking forward to his retirement in Williamsburg, Virginia. Congratulations John, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Jae Spooner—About 20 years, at New Canaan High School in Science and Chemistry.

  • “After a successful teaching stint in Windsor, CT, Jae Spooner joined New Canaan in 1995 and has remained at NCHS ever since. Through his 20 years, he taught chemistry at all levels, including Advanced Placement, along with earth science. Jae expects much from his students, even before school study sessions, and they consistently deliver year after year. He doesn’t expect more from them than he’s willing to give himself, however, as his drive down from Vernon, CT these past 20 years has shown. When I was considering a snow day, Jae was always the first person I would think of – if I didn’t make the call by 5:00 AM, Jae would already be on the road. More than once this year I sent him an email telling him to wait a few extra minutes just in case… But when asked, Jae explained that, although the drive is long, teaching in New Canaan, with such wonderful students and colleagues, has been worth the trip. Jae’s students respect and admire his thorough explanations of difficult material and his unrelenting drive to challenge all students to do their very best. Every year, Jay’s students emerge from his classes well prepared for a future in the sciences, and he leaves a lasting legacy within our school community. Jae is a proud husband, father, and grandfather. When he’s not spending time with his family, he is an avid outdoorsman, and can often be found cycling and backpacking. Congratulations Jae, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Sunnie Colen—21 years as a psychologist at Saxe Middle School.

  • “For the past 21 years, Sunnie Colen is known for her calming influence on all parties, parents, students and staff, which has been particularly useful in the midst of evaluating and programming for our neediest of students. Through the years, students and parents have expressed their appreciation for Sunnie’s ability to communicate complicated pieces of information, often from standardized assessments laden with professional vocabulary, in a simple and clear to understand fashion. Essentially, her work has not been so very different from the work of our classroom teachers through the years, only her audience has been different, and she has shown herself to be excellent in her work. Sunnie’s ability to communicate clearly and well has helped countless families to partner with the school in order to make the best decisions for their children, and in many ways that has made all the difference for some of our students who need help the most. Sunnie has been a proud advocate for professional learning across the school over the years, and she has been unwaveringly committed to helping her colleagues learn about and implement the latest findings about how students learn. She worked primarily in the upper division at Saxe, where she oversaw the growth and graduation of 7th and 8th grade students. Her efforts made significant contributions to every student, and she has had a meaningful impact on children’s lives. Congratulations Sunnie, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Donna Arrow—24 years in speech pathology and special education at West School.

  • “As an expert speech & language pathologist these past 24 years, Donna Arrow has made tremendous contributions to the New Canaan Public Schools, not only at West School but at a district level as well. As a lead learner, Donna planned and organized professional learning for the district Speech and Language team for many years, and thanks to her dedication and expertise, these learning experiences were always thoughtfully designed and reflected the group’s professional learning needs. As someone who loves to learn, Donna always participated as a peer, colleague, and learner. At West, Donna was always a consummate professional, and could consistently be relied upon for her highly professional evaluation and reporting skills. She was also an excellent partner with families and a mentor and guide for students, and she served on the Student Study Team and the School Climate Team as well. Donna has also been instrumental as the chair of the district-wide professional development committee. She has been relentlessly dedicated to providing the district with meaningful and timely professional learning experiences, and many of us will miss her detailed emails in the years ahead. Donna is very well organized, and she motivates her students with a gentle and calm approach while instilling respect for self and one another in the classroom. She has always had an obvious rapport with all of her students, and they know her expectations and know that she believes in them. Her awareness of each student’s needs, and expertise and knowledge as a speech language pathologist, enable her to make a difference in countless children’s lives. On top of all that, this year, she coordinated the making of grade level quilts to represent the 3 R’s – Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. She has been a great resource for staff, students and parents and we wish her all the best. Congratulations Donna, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Diane Cooper—25 years as a South School third and second grade teacher

  • “Twenty-five years ago, Diane Cooper’s illustrious career with the New Canaan Public Schools began with a note from the principal of South School in her file – that note simply says, ‘Hire this woman as quickly as possible!’ Fortunately for the students of New Canaan, we did, and she’s been serving our schools with distinction ever since. Not only is Diane a “Master Teacher”, she has also been very busy through the years finding ways to contribute to the district and the profession. Thanks to these efforts, she has set the record at South School for being a representative on more district curriculum committees and being a cooperating teacher for more student teachers than any teacher in South School history. Diane has always been a “go to” person when there was a need for a representative on a district curriculum committee, and her can-do spirit and attitude are always valued and appreciated. She is valued for her expertise, collaboration, and experience, and she is always the “voice of reason” when the need arose. Diane’s commitment to working with student teachers comes from her belief, which we share, that training the next generation of teachers is an important professional responsibility, one that impacts not only the career of that beginning teacher but our entire profession as well. As a mentor teacher, Diane selflessly shared her knowledge, experience, and wisdom with her student teachers, and she must have done an outstanding job, since many of her student teachers have become full-time teachers in the district, and some are even becoming cooperating teachers themselves. Diane has never wavered in her commitment to her students or the profession. She is a professional in every sense of the word. Diane leaves behind quite a legacy at South School, having impacted the lives of many students and colleagues. South School will miss her calm demeanor, quiet dignity, and great sense of humor, and we thank her for her immeasurable contributions to our school and district. Congratulations Diane, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Jillian Janowski—25 years in Math at New Canaan High School.

  • “Jillian has served for 25 years as a valuable member of the New Canaan High School math department. During this time she has successfully taught almost all levels and courses offered by the department. For the last several years she has also taught in the Afternoon Instructional Program, where she’s helped some of our struggling students to succeed. She has served as Advisor to Math Team, which this year had the strongest performance in competition since the team began. In her out of school hours Jillian enjoys doting on her precious grandbaby – and if you saw her, you would dote on her too! During instruction Julianne presents course content in a way that helps students develop strong executive functioning skills focused on organization, note taking and self-monitoring. She endeavors to include applications to real-life situations and to help students make interdisciplinary connections between their learning in mathematics and what they know and are able to do from the other disciplines, thereby helping them to truly learn the content and to find authenticity in their classroom experiences. Jillian spends many hours working with our math team to prepare for and to participate in mathematics competitions. She organizes and runs the math department’s awards breakfast as well, where students are recognized for their outstanding accomplishments from the year. As a teacher and mentor, Jillian is committed to helping students to grow in their skills, and is also always aware of their needs personally and socially as adolescents and teens. Although it’s hard to believe, Jillian also finds time to be the organist and choir director St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bridgeport, and she once owned a retail gift shop, “Everything Personalized”, in Westport. Her creativity, commitment, and care will be missed at NCHS next year. Congratulations Jillian, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students of New Canaan thank you for all you’ve done.”

Elaine Scott—38 years in New Canaan Public Schools, including six years at Center and then teaching English and Social Studies at Saxe.

  • “And now last, but certainly not least, Elaine Scott has been a proud member of the New Canaan Public Schools since 1977, 38 years ago. She began at Center School, and in 1983 she moved to Saxe. Something must have gone very right at Saxe, because once there she never left, and she’s been teaching English and Social Studies to 6th grade students ever since. Elaine has been described as a superstar, who’s every word and deed in the schools communicate how she genuinely and deeply cares about each and every student. Every child she contacts each day comes away from the exchange feeling valued, important, and capable of achieving great things. Over the years, Elaine has always “practiced what she preached” by modeling a life-long and enthusiastic commitment to learning. Elaine’s students will remember her for her unconditional care and service, especially at those sometimes very difficult years of early middle school. Elaine has always helped to create and sustain positive classroom and school climate and culture through her generous outreach of spirit and service to her students, parents, and staff. Elaine received many comments from her students, such as: “Mrs. Scott was my life!”; “Mrs. Scott is the best teacher ever. She is really nice and really cares about her students. Anyone who has her is very lucky”; “Mrs. Scott ROX MY SOX!” From a newspaper article in July 2005: ‘Elaine Scott instructed her Hogwarts students at the ‘Hop on the Hogwarts Express’ program, part of NCPS Summer Enrichment initiative (Harry Potter Camp). ‘Professor’ Elaine Scott, who has taught at the camp for three years, said she loves coming back because she loves books.’ I think she loves coming back because, as she’s shown us through the year, she loves children, and working to help the children of New Canaan learn and grow these past 38 years has left a powerful legacy. Elaine’s gifts as an educator, mentor and guide have made a difference in hundreds of children’s lives, and all I can say is, 38 years were not enough… Congratulations Elaine, and on behalf of the Board of Education and the students and parents of New Canaan, thank you for all you’ve done.”

One thought on “11 Retiring New Canaan Educators Honored by Superintendent, Board of Ed

  1. Elaine Scott, or Ms. Halas as when she was my 6th grade teacher in 1986, was a tremendous teacher full of kindness and patience. I always remember her as someone who made the transition to Saxe much easier and always encouraged us to do better through positivity. Tremendous career, enjoy retirement!

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