After Snow Day, AP Testing Rescheduled for 8th-Graders

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By Michael Dinan

Monday’s snow day has prompted middle school officials to push back a series of highly anticipated tests for students seeking entry to AP classes next year at New Canaan High School.

In an email sent Tuesday to parents, Saxe Middle School Assistant Principal Julia Ferreira relayed the following revised schedule for AP/Honors Performance Tasks:

  • The Honors Science placement testing has been re-scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6 after school.
  • The Honors English placement testing will take place as scheduled Tuesday Feb. 4 after school.

“Make-ups for all three tests will be available after school next Monday 2/10 and Tuesday 2/11,” Ferreira said in the email. “Students should report to the Upper Division Office for a room assignment.”

Questions should be put to students’ counselors, Ferreira said.

As a former Saxe Middle Schooler who got into AP Biology as a freshman and swiftly flunked out of it—taking a more fitting, regular curriculum course with the late Tony LaVista, great teacher—I wish all the students applying the best of luck.

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