Town Approves $7,500 Contract in Pursuit of Improved, Expanded Parking at Waveny Water Towers

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The water tower parking lot at Waveny. Credit: Michael Dinan

The Board of Selectmen at its most recent meeting approved a contract with a New Canaan company to survey an area of Waveny where a newly paved access road and expanded parking area are planned.

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectman Kit Devereaux at the Board’s Sept. 17 meeting voted 2-0 in favor of a $7,540 contract with RKW Land Surveying. 

The company will flag wetlands for a proposed paving of the milled access road between the main road through Waveny and a parking lot that abuts the water towers and overlooks the new artificial turf fields there.

“RKW has done work all four corners of this property, so it stands to reason that we would ask them to come forward and finish this interior piece to do,” Public Works Director Tiger Mann said at the selectmen’s meeting, held at Town Hall.

Selectman Nick Williams was absent.

The town began pursuing the project last summer. With the smaller water tower due to come down and the land it sits on to revert from Aquarion back to the town, officials are planning to expand the parking lot in that area. As it is now, about 30 to 40 vehicles can park in what is a rough, milled lot. With the expanded parking area and parking along a proposed access road that would run along the old Summer Theatre footpath, to the southern at the high school, New Canaan would gain about 75 additional parking spaces, officials have said.

At the meeting, Devereaux asked whether the town didn’t get competitive bids because New Canaan has worked with RKW in the past (yes), whether Mann is content with the $7,500 price tag (yes) and whether funds are in the current fiscal year’s approved budget (yes).

2 thoughts on “Town Approves $7,500 Contract in Pursuit of Improved, Expanded Parking at Waveny Water Towers

  1. I am surprised to read that the Town wants to pave a new access road right into the heart of Waveny. I think as a Town we should design Waveny so that walkers and joggers don’t have to compete with auto traffic. The existing parking lots already consume a good amount of the park land. If sports fans want to watch games on the high school fields, why not simply park in one of the existing lots and walk to the field?

  2. Totally agree.

    If the size of the lot is doubling from approx 35 to 75 spaces, then the number of cars driving through Waveny to park there would double.

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