Firefighters Free Young Deer Stuck in Fence on Greenley Road

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Emergency responders on Thursday morning freed a young deer that had become stuck in a metal fence on Greenley Road.

Shortly before 9 a.m., a call came into New Canaan Police Department Animal Control about the yearling’s situation—the female deer had tried to get through a 10-foot-high metal fence and got stuck halfway.

Animal Control Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt said the yearling had scraped off much of its own fur trying to get loose, but could not.

“She got herself stuck there and there was no way I could get her free. I’m not strong enough,” Kleinschmitt said.

So she phoned the New Canaan Fire Department with a request to bring the Jaws of Life device, which they did and after opening the fence just another inch, the deer bounded away.

“She just got up and ran off,” Kleinschmitt said.

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