Silvermine Road Woman’s Email, Apple ID Compromised; Fraudulent Withdrawal Request Sent to Financial Advisor

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Police are investigating what appears to be a fraudulent attempt to withdraw $22,190 from a 58-year-old Silvermine Road woman’s bank account.

At about 1 p.m. on Oct. 2, police learned that a few days earlier, a financial advisor to the New Canaan woman alerted her to the unusually large withdrawal request, police said.

The financial advisor said he received what appeared to be an email from his client, and the request was out of the ordinary enough that he followed up with a phone call, according to a police report. That’s when he learned that she hadn’t sent the initial request, police said.

According to the police report, the woman’s email login information and Apple ID both were compromised. It appears that no money has been lost. Police are investigating.

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