$1,000 Fine, Stop Work Order for New Canaan Property Owner Violating Wetlands Regulations

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Town officials have fined a New Norwalk Road property owner $1,000 after citing him for violations of the New Canaan Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations.

Following a two-day inspection in late March, municipal officials observed “what looked like regulated activities” at 613 New Norwalk Road, according to a citation letter obtained by NewCanaanite.com following a formal request.

The citation is listed on the public agenda for Monday’s meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission.

“Staff viewed a significant amount of earth disturbing activities in and over wetlands and within the regulated upland review area” at the .76-acre property, according to the March 21 citation letter. Those activities include: alteration of wetlands and upland review area by the use of an excavator to grub, fill, grade, deposit and spread stockpiled material (including concrete block) over and immediately adjacent to field designated wetlands; installation of several feet of PVC pipes within the upland review area for the discharge of pumped water.

“These activities have disturbed the underlying wetlands that are protected under the regulations. No soil and erosion controls were installed,” the letter said. “Further, upon review of the documentation on file with the Town of New Canaan for this property, it has been determined that you have engaged in a regulated activity without a permit.”

Town officials urge residents planning to undertake construction or land use projects at home to consult with the Planning & Zoning Department prior to starting work, to avoid fines and delays by learning ahead of time whether specific permits are required.

In this case, the three pertinent sections of the Inland Wetlands Regulations (see 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4-1 on page 16 here) cover regulated activities and areas within 50 feet of a designated wetlands or watercourse.

The town instructed the property owner to halt activities, remove the excavator, supply a detailed chronology of what already had happened and also provide the contact information on the contractor responsible.

Officials also instructed the property owner to file a mitigation plan this week.

The fine has been paid and the plan to mitigate the non-permitted activities is forthcoming, according to the Commission agenda.

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