May 2016
Emerging Writer’s Workshop & Luncheon
Is writing a "dying art form"? We think not! Amazing, how many people today have turned into humans "doing" and not "being." At our workshop, you'll find heart, soul and authenticity. For us, writing is life...laughter...oxygen. Dying? The only thing dying is the negative voice that says: "You can't." Join us. TOGETHER WE CAN! Exceptional teachers & longtime writers Patricia Ann Chaffee and Stacy Lytwyn have helped hundreds of writers find their voices and we will help you. Writers of…
Find out more »November 2017
Roger Sherman Inn to Host Artisans’ Holiday Boutique
Please join us on November 17-18 for the New Canaan Artisans’ Annual Holiday Boutique at the Roger Sherman Inn, 195 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan. A Preview Party will be Friday, November 17 from 6-8 pm. Admission is $10. Attendees enjoy “first look” shopping and refreshments. As a thank you for purchasing a preview party entry ticket, receive a coupon redeemable for a 20% discount on your dinner check for dining at the Roger Sherman that evening. Offer is good for…
Find out more »November 2018
New Canaan Artisans Holiday Boutique
“Holiday Inn” is the theme for the New Canaan Artisans’ annual Holiday Boutique. It highlights the upcoming holidays and the charming Roger Sherman Inn, 195 Oenoke Ridge where the boutique will be held again this year on Sat., Nov. 17 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Admission is free on Sat., while on Fri., Nov. 16 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm., there will be a Preview Party with wine and cheese refreshments and “first choice” shopping available for a $10…
Find out more »May 2019
Kentucky Derby Party at the Roger Sherman Inn
Mint Julep - Pig Roast - Live Music - Big Screen - Derby Fashion Find your hat for Derby Day on Saturday, May 4th! Toast with a Mint Julep on the lawn at 5:30, enjoy a pig roast and get ready for the race at 6:50. Fun, friends, live music by Nick Depuy, a grand buffet and Derby fashion! Last year, it was a favorite event - don't wait to get your tickets! Register at the Roger Sherman Inn Front…
Find out more »The Night Before Lunch with Wendy Walker
Enjoy a delicious three-course lunch with author Wendy Walker in the Roger Sherman Inn's newly-renovated dining room with panoramic views of the gardens. Discover how bestselling author and former attorney Walker developed the twists and turns in her psychological thriller "The Night Before." Her novels have been sold in 23 foreign countries and optioned for film and television. Elm Street Books will be on hand to sell you an advance copy of her latest novel "The Night Before" so you…
Find out more »July 2019
Bastille Day at the Roger Sherman Inn
Celebrate Bastille Day in style! Reserve your table and enjoy a French-Inspired menu and live music!
Find out more »November 2019
New Canaan Artisans Holiday Boutique
NEW CANAAN ARTISANS HOLDS ANNUAL HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER New Canaan Artisans annual holiday fundraiser will be held Friday, November 22 from 6 to 8.pm. and Saturday from 9:00am to 3:00p.m. at the Roger Sherman Inn, located at 195 Oenoke Ridge, in New Canaan. The event begins on Friday night with the Holiday Boutique Preview Sale highlighting unique handmade items made by members of the Artisans group. Wine and appetizers will be served and there will be a raffle. New this year…
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