Tree Warden To Plant Three Sycamores along Cherry Street

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The town official who oversees trees along New Canaan’s public roads is planning to improve the grass verge that runs along Cherry Street as it approaches Main with three sycamores.

Here’s a look at where the new sycamores will be planted, along Cherry Street on the approach to Main. Credit: Michael Dinan

Behind what’s known as the Telephone Building—on the north side of Cherry Street before the curve at Club Sandwich—the grass strip had trees in the past but they’ve been cut down “for various reasons,” according to Tree Warden Bob Horan.

“This is a good, open spot where we want to have tree-lined streets in the center of town,” said Horan, a Connecticut licensed arborist since 1981 who also is president of Pauley Tree & Lawn Care.

“This is a beautiful spot to improve,” he told “We have sycamores across the street, so that will go with the flow—it’s a nice street tree. We have plenty of room for the crown to develop.”

Here’s where the three sycamore trees will be planting, facing east on Cherry Street just below Main. Credit: Michael Dinan

The trees will be spaced about 20 feet apart, between the sidewalk and a white fence that runs along the Telephone Lot. A honey locust tree that also fronts Cherry Street along that verge will remain, he said.

The plan emerges as Horan works to improve the streetscape of other areas downtown—most notably, by replacing four decaying pin oaks at the start of Elm Street with disease-resistant American elm trees.

The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday discussed that plan during its regular meeting.

Asked by Selectman Nick Williams when the new elms are going in, Horan said he’s seeking to purchase them immediately—the funds are available in the tree warden’s budget—and that the New Canaan Highway Department will handle their planting.

Horan also is replacing a Bradford pear tree on Forest Street—roughly in front of the old Griffin Ford, he said—with two English oak trees.

First Selectman Rob Mallozzi complimented Horan on his initiative and service to the town.

“We have now been working with you for some time since Bruce Pauley left—you have been a pleasure, very through just like Bruce, and we’re very pleased with your dedication to the town,” he said.

One thought on “Tree Warden To Plant Three Sycamores along Cherry Street

  1. Why not plant Cherry trees on Cherry Street? There are many varieties and surely there are some that would be suitable?

    I love the idea of putting new disease-free Elms on Elm Street, let’s continue with that program by putting Cherry trees on Cherry street.

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