Town Opts Not To Offer Senior Discount on Dump Sticker Fee

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Town officials said last week that they won’t offer seniors a discount on annual sticker fees at the dump, as one resident had suggested.

Among peer towns, only Darien offers such a discount, but the sticker fee there is $120 whereas New Canaan’s is going up from $45 to $75, officials said during the April 21 meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Wilton, Westport, Weston and Ridgefield offer no such discount, according to Don Smith, the Department of Public Works’ assistant superintendent of solid waste at the Transfer Station.

A senior discount therefore “is not prevalent,” First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said at the meeting, held via videoconference. 

“Keep in mind, many seniors are in congregate areas where they have contractural services with their rents, such as all the apartment buildings and all the condos and co-ops,” Moynihan said. “So there will be some seniors, obviously—but anyway, we are not going to bring forth a recommendation on a senior discount. One resident suggested that and I asked [Smith] to inquire what other towns are doing. We are still pretty low.”

The new $75 fee will take effect July 1. It’s designed to bring New Canaan more closely aligned with surrounding towns and help recoup what it pays to get rid of household garbage.

About one-quarter to one-third of New Canaan’s approximately 7,000 households will pay the 67% fee increase, since those using private haulers will pay the existing rate, officials have said. That includes people living in apartment or condominium complexes who pay for master haulers through rent or other charges, Moynihan noted at the meeting.

“If anybody has a hauling contract, they’ll continue to pay $45,” he said. “If they don’t have a hauling contract and they use the Transfer Station to bring their trash to, they are paying $75.”

The average New Canaan household produces about 1.5 tons of garbage per year, and that figure likely will go up amid the COVID-19 emergency as more people are eating at home, officials have said. With New Canaan paying $90 per ton to haul the garbage away, the town is paying out about $135 per residence against its existing fee of $45 for stickers. The higher sticker fee could generate up to about $60,000 more for the town per year, official estimate. The $45 fee has been in place since 2015.

4 thoughts on “Town Opts Not To Offer Senior Discount on Dump Sticker Fee

  1. The Transfer Station increase is entirely reasonable. To be honest the place has been overrun recently as “stay at home” has been taxing the system there. Don Smith and the guys have been accommodating and respectful during the onslaught. Even in normalcy, it costs a hell of a lot more than $75 per household with the amount of trash that we bring.

  2. Town politicians are single minded…raise prices, raise taxes, reduce services, and spend, spend, spend. Destroying New Canaan .

  3. As a senior I feel the explanation of why they are not offering a discount surprises me… because no other town does?? I think our town could set the pace oppose to following behind. You always see articles in the paper how can we keep our seniors here?? I wish our social security checks and some pensions would go up the percentage of increase you ask for. Don’t worry someday this will happen to you ….

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