Town Officials Weigh Re-Designation of 15-Minute Spots around Mrs. Green’s

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While Mrs. Green’s eyes customer parking at a lot beneath its building, town officials are raising questions about how on- and off-street parking designations near Park and Pine may be adjusted to accommodate the new mini-hub there.

Town officials this week decided to make a recommendation to the Police Commission to re-designate these 15-minute spaces so that they're the same as the rest of Pine Street (two hours).

Town officials this week decided to make a recommendation to the Police Commission to re-designate these 15-minute spaces so that they're the same as the rest of Pine Street (two hours).

In New Canaan, on-street parking is handled by the Police Commission, and off-street by the Parking Commission. The eight spaces that run alongside what is now the Mrs. Green’s building long have been 15-minute spots, as have designated spaces in the lot on the other side of Pine (opposite CVS), from when the New Canaan Post Office was located at 2 Pine St.

Town officials this week weighed whether an ADA-required handicapped parking space for Mrs. Green’s should be located in the underground lot (if there’s an elevator) or on Pine Street right next to the building.

Officials at Mrs. Green's told April 18 in a public thread on Twitter——that the garage underneath pictured here is being fixed up and will be open next week for customers and shoppers.

Officials at Mrs. Green's say that the garage beneath its building, pictured here, will be open this week for customers.

“Instead of putting one underneath, it would be better served to have that first spot there [outside, nearest the main Mrs. Green’s entrance],” Department of Public Works Assistant Director Tiger Mann said Monday during a meeting of the Traffic Calming Work Group.

The group also will recommend to the Police Commission that the seven spaces other spaces along Mrs. Green’s should be get the same time limit as the rest of Pine Street. (They’re 2-hour spots.)

This car got ticketed Tuesday on Pine Street, in a 2-hour parking zone.

This car got ticketed Tuesday on Pine Street, in a 2-hour parking zone.

Officials from Mrs. Green’s (which opened Friday) last week told that the market will designate its 30 or so spaces underneath for customers and seek to partner with St. A’s or other businesses to secure parking for its employees.

Asked about the parking situation on Pine, New Canaan resident Sara Koch, who owns the popular Oxygen Fitness boutique wellness and fitness facility with husband Dave (it’s right between Mrs. Green’s and Walgreens), said she’s in favor of changing the on-street spaces to two hours for Oxygen clients and others.

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