Town Officials Void $30 Ticket for Woman Who Parked in Main Street Loading Zone

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Town officials last month voided a $30 ticket that had been issued to an out-of-town woman delivering large books to a Main Street business. 

Terese Becker of Milford told members of the Parking Commission during her July 11 appeal hearing that she made just two trips to carry a total of about 12 large fabric and wallpaper books up to a business at 80 Main St.

Becker said during her appeal hearing at Town Hall that she purposely parked in a loading zone on the morning of May 30 (a Thursday) near the corner of East Avenue because “actually I thought I was loading.”

The books themselves are long and heavy, she said.

“So I literally took two trips from the car to the store, ran them up, two trips back down,” she told the Commission. “And I got a ticket. If I am not allowed to do that, that’s fine, I am happy to abide by the rules. I would ask for forgiveness this time.”

After deliberating, Commissioners Pam Crum, Peter Ogivlie and Stuart String voted 3-0 to void the ticket. 

Parking Manager Stacy Miltenberg said the ticket likely was issued because the enforcement officer saw a non-commercial vehicle in the loading zone space (which is allowed) but no activity. Typically loading should not take more than 20 minutes and it isn’t clear how long Becker was parked in the space, Miltenberg said. The ticket was issued at 9:56 a.m.

Ogilvie said that given it was Becker’s first time being ticketed in New Canaan, he was “inclined to give a pass.”

Commissioner Chris Hering was late to the meeting and Chairman Keith Richey was absent.

Becker said during the hearing that the books themselves are “about as wide as this table,” referring to the table that faces the dais in the Town Meeting Room.

Stringfellow said, “So no James Pattersons,” drawing laughter from the room.

Ogilvie asked how often it happens that Becker unloads the books in New Canaan. She said she’s been traveling throughout Connecticut for the job for about two years.

Crum asked whether Becker was aware she parked in a loading zone.

She said yes.

“I was actively loading and unloading,” she said.

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