Town Officials To Determine Whether ‘One Kings Lane Connecticut House’ Complies with Zoning Regulations

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Town officials say they likely will conduct a site visit to a New Canaan home in order to determine whether its use by a new owner complies with local regulations that govern businesses in residential zones.

A home décor company is describing the northeastern New Canaan residence as the “first-ever shoppable show house” for its “new foray into residential retail.”

Asked about the matter, Town Planner Steve Palmer confirmed that he had been made aware of the property last week and has connected with its owner.

Palmer said he likely would make a site visit to “make a determination about its compliance or lack thereof.”

The 4,761-square-foot Colonial was sold in October for $1,495,000, tax records show.

A public relations manager for Manhattan-based One Kings Lane told in an email that the company’s president recently moved to town “and decorated her home with the help of one of our in-house interior designers.”

“The idea to open up her home to the local residents grew from the passion that she has for our brand and customer, and desire to meet some people in the community,” DeAngelo said. “She welcomed the local community into her home via an open house format this week, which is ending [Friday].”

DeAngelo continued: “We are not conducting any retail transactions in the space—we are simply giving people the chance to come in, say hi, and see how she decorated. Her housewarming party was held last weekend to celebrate her move and redecoration, and we don’t foresee any other large group events in the space in the future.”

Under the New Canaan Zoning Regulations, a business use in a residential zone is only allowed through a special permit.

A note on the company’s website says: “The One Kings Lane Connecticut House is open by appointment from 10 am to 3 pm starting April 21.”

According to a page on the One Kings Lane website, the homeowner and company president “worked with our team at The Studio at One Kings Lane to re-imagine a tasteful (but tired) 60-year-old property into a contemporary showcase brimming with her own unique sense of style.”

The design team’s goal had been to modernize the interior of a farmhouse-style home with “good bones and plenty of character” in order to “suit the needs of a growing family without sacrificing the home’s original details and charm.”

It’s located on Cross Ridge Road, tax records show.

Town officials in February visited an Oenoke Ridge Road home where a holistic wellness program had been operating, and subsequently that home and business owner decided to find space in a commercial zone for it.

One thought on “Town Officials To Determine Whether ‘One Kings Lane Connecticut House’ Complies with Zoning Regulations

  1. Seriously? If they are not making sales at the home itself, then the owner can have “visitors” over whenever they want. Why would the town even have a right to do a site visit?

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