Town officials on Wednesday will vote on a proposal that would extend the Flexi-Pave path at Irwin Park around the circumference of the Weed Street property.
The “sustainable porous pavement,” as it’s called, was installed about seven years ago along a long, popular loop at Irwin, running north of the entrance and then up along the Wahackme Road side and back toward the buildings at the park (occupied now by municipal bodies).

This rendering from New Canaan Department of Public Works assistant director Tiger Mann depicts the proposal Flexi-Pave extension at Irwin Park.
Advocates for the project say the final 555-foot stretch across the “great lawn” would “complete the loop” at Irwin. Funds raised privately several years ago went toward what’s been laid down so far, and extra monies from that effort—long kept in a dedicated “Special Projects Account”—would be used to pay the approximately $53,000 needed for this final stretch.
The Town Council, whose approval is required for capital projects on town land, is scheduled to vote Wednesday on the proposal.

The New Canaan Park & Recreation Commission at its Feb. 12 meeting at Lapham Community Center. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Park & Recreation Commission voted unanimously in favor of the project earlier this month, and the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday did the same.
Selectman Beth Jones during Tuesday’s meeting noted that the original path has weathered the past several winters very well. Selectman Nick Williams said of the Flexi-Pave extension: “It’s a great thing for the town.”

This photo, provided by the New Canaan Garden Club, shows the current path across Irwin Park's great lawn with some daffodils in bloom.
Garden Club member Katie Stewart said that, if approved, the installation of the new path itself should wait until mid-March or later, after the daffodils bloom. Officials say the project could be completed inside one week, weather-depending.
The path across the great lawn at Irwin now is gravel-based.
The Town Council moments ago unanimously approved this. Said Town Council Vice Chairman Stephen Karl: “I want to compliment those involved in raising the funds and managing the funds. These are the kinds of things that some may take for granted, but there is a lot of work behind the scenes, so my hat’s off to them.” Two of the New Canaanites largely responsible for raising funds for the initial installation of the Flexi-Pave—Dick White and Bill Sessions—were singled out and thanked by council members.