The Little Things: 5,000 Daffodils from the New Canaan Garden Club

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[Editor’s Note: In this feature, “The Little Things,” we record acts of consideration and kindness that make New Canaan special. It is meant to complement “REALLY?”—a feature where we record the opposite.]

Motorists traveling along Weed Street will have an entirely new and spectacular view come spring, thanks to some planning and work from the New Canaan Garden Club.

Thanks to the New Canaan Garden Club, the hill beyond these fruit trees, in front of the main house at Irwin Park, will feature 5,000 daffodils this spring. Credit: Michael Dinan

Thanks to the New Canaan Garden Club, the hill beyond these fruit trees, in front of the main house at Irwin Park, will feature 5,000 daffodils this spring. Credit: Michael Dinan

The club saw to it that 5,000 daffodil bulbs were planted at the crest of a hill in front of the main house at Irwin Park, said Katie Stewart, a member of the group.

The plantings include four different varieties of daffodils, she said.

“It’s going to be a dramatic,” Stewart told

It isn’t clear just when they’ll come up there, just above the fruit trees—depending on how quickly this cold winter gives way, they may or may not be here by the end of March, she said.

Stewart added that although ‘5,000’ sounds like a huge number, daffodils require big numbers to be noticed in a wide space such as the great lawn at Irwin.

“You need 500 daffodils even to make a little statement,” she said.

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