Did You Hear … ?

Here’s a ‘Happy Birthday’ to a gem and gentleman of a local man. David Borglum, a 1949 New Canaan High School graduate and the longest-serving member of the wonderful Kiwanis Club of New Canaan, recently celebrated his “67th” birthday (he tells us). Happy birthday, David, here’s to 67 more. ***

Officials are looking to slow down motorists traveling on Weed Street between Wahackme and Dunning, where the 85th percentile of drivers recently were clocked by speed sentries at 36 mph in northbound and southbound lanes, according to the New Canaan Traffic Calming Work Group. ***

The Park & Recreation Commission is looking into acquiring a heater for the Waveny Pool following a successful season where one of the isolated asks from pass-holders was warmer temperatures for little kids.

Letter: Thank You, First Annual ‘Camp LiveGirl’ a Success

Dear Editor:

Camp LiveGirl brought together 50 middle school girls from Bridgeport, Stamford, and New Canaan. The camp facilitated bonding in a diverse, team-based environment through sports and leadership activities. Senior executive women provided mentoring and reinforced the LiveGirl motto: “I am smart. I am strong. I am special.”

Creating something new requires vision and extraordinary support, which we received from the following businesses/individuals:

CT Sandwich, Oxygen, Walter Stewart’s, Nielsen, Hunsinger Family—donated lunch/supplies
Meg Domino & New Canaan CARES—a passionate partner who customized and taught a leadership curriculum for middle school girls
Ellie Aliapoulios, Camaren Dayton, Abi Farley, Kendall Genzburg, Olivia Hunsinger, Katie Kurz, Grace Manges, Isabella Savini—amazing high school students who volunteered their time & served as camp leaders
Andrea Chalon, Johnny Ostendorf & Mike Wilson—donated video/ photography services
NCHS, Jay Egan, many coaches, instructors, speakers—provided essential support

The list of names is long and serves as a true testament to the character of our community.

‘Smart, Strong and Special’: New Canaan Camp To Bring Together Girls from Neighboring Communities

The idea for Camp LiveGirl—that’s a short ‘i’ in ‘Live,’ a verb—came to the West family over the winter. Transformed after hosting a Fresh Air Fund girl from Queens, N.Y. last summer, mom Sheri and dad Brian gathered the kids (Conor, then an 8th-grader, Olivia, 6th and Donovan, 2nd) to discuss how else they could make a difference, now that their Fresh Air Fund guest, Janiyia Rodriguez, had aged out of the program. “We all felt very grateful, but we were cognizant that there are plenty of Janiyias out there, and as a family, we brainstormed about some way we could touch more lives,” Sheri recalled on a recent morning. What was born at that family meeting will materialize next Monday, as 30 middle school-aged girls from Bridgeport and Stamford join 20 similarly aged New Canaan girls for a unique, weeklong camp designed to empower, educate and engage its participants through multiple sports, identity- and confidence-building exercises, camaraderie, healthy living instruction and inspiring and informative speakers. Dubbed ‘LiveGirl’ because the Wests call their daughter ‘Liv’ for short, the camp is not only a deeply personal effort led by Sheri West that follows months of planning—it also results from a coordinated effort across a large swath of the New Canaan community.

Letter: ‘Thank You’ for Supporting the New Canaan Family Fourth at Waveny

On behalf of the Family Fourth Committee, I would like to thank all who supported the 35th Annual New Canaan Family Fourth Celebration at Waveny Park by purchasing an entrance pass and attending this Independence Day celebration. All week the weather forecast presented a challenge for us, but we ended up with a beautiful day and clear skies. The fireworks show was spectacular. It was another memorable 4th of July celebration……an outstanding evening of family fun, wonderful music, great food and a fantastic fireworks display. Your financial support makes this great New Canaan tradition possible; whether you drove in or walked in, thank you for buying an entrance pass.

Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan has lost a popular and friendly downtown presence, especially among young locals. Tango, a handsome 7-year-old golden retriever belonging to Phyllis Weinstein of Mackenzie’s, died Thursday, within days of an unexpected diagnosis of an aggressive cancer. A makeshift memorial has been set up in the South Avenue shop for locals to say goodbye. “He was like the mascot of the store,” said Jim Berry, a welcome face behind the counter. “He was always here, mingling with the kids.” Those kids include hundreds of Saxe Middle School students, who for years have carried on a tradition of depositing their school bags outside Mackenzie’s after school, and getting some candy or other items inside.