Kevin Moynihan Wins New Canaan First Selectman Race by 33 Votes [UPDATED]

Kevin Moynihan, a longtime resident and community volunteer who has served for four years on the Town Council, won election to New Canaan’s top municipal office on Tuesday by 33 votes. The Republican earned 2,684 votes in a widely anticipated first selectman race against Democrat Kit Devereaux, who received 2,651 votes, according to figures supplied by the New Canaan Registrars of Voters. The .6 percent margin of victory —a math-defying outcome, given the party makeup of New Canaan’s electorate—narrowly beats the state-mandated recount figure of .5 percent. Moynihan said he felt “wonderful” though “we expected to do better, quite honestly.” “I am surprised it was so close,” he told

Election 2017: New Canaan Hub [UPDATED]

What follows is a digital voter guide for Tuesday’s election. Voter Turnout

As of 6 p.m., 4,986 New Canaan residents had cast their ballots—322 by absentee ballot and 4,664 at the polls. The number of residents casting ballots at Saxe and NCHS represents a 42 percent increase over the last local election through the same hour. If voters turn out this year at the same rate as they did in 2015, New Canaan will see a 39 percent turnout. Here’s a table detailing total voter turnout in recent local elections:


And here’s a table that compares hourly voter turnout two years ago—when there was no truly contested first selectman race—to this year:


Kit Devereaux, Democratic candidate for first selectman, said minutes before she entered Saxe to cast her own ballot that she was “feeling really good” about the campaign and election. “I think I’ve done absolutely everything I can, and so now it’s just a matter of waiting to see what happens,” she told Endorsement for Treasurer

As with its first selectman race, New Canaan is fortunate to have two highly qualified candidates—though with different professional experience—for town treasurer. Andrew Brooks, a financial consultant and two-term Republican incumbent, faces Democrat Rob Fryer, a retired CPA whose background includes decades as senior partner with a Big-Four accounting firm. While both could be expected to do a very good job in a role that only recently evolved from that of a ceremonial functionary, Brooks has earned re-election—not only through his responsible stewardship of tax dollars to date, but also his conscientious navigation of Town Hall politics. A state-mandated position, the town treasurer oversees New Canaan’s receipts and expenses as its “cash manager,” as well as signing off on bond issues and acting as treasurer of municipal trust funds. Brooks, after succeeding a 24-term incumbent four years ago, has been proactive in a role that he continues to define even as he works within it.

Letter: Supporting Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer

Editor, New Canaanite;

I am writing in support of Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer and to encourage every New Canaan resident (regardless of party) to vote for Rob this November. New Canaan needs a treasurer with Rob’s impressive professional qualifications and deep business experience (almost five decades as a CPA, more than three as a senior partner in one of the “Big 4” professional accounting firms), a man with deep roots in our community (twenty-nine years and counting!), a full time resident prepared to commit the time, energy, and hard work needed to discharge the extensive responsibilities required by the Town’s charter and the state’s statutes, and a person whose calm and thoughtful approach to the challenges and opportunities facing New Canaan will make him a valued partner with, and strong resource for, our elected and appointed officials. Rob Fryer is simply the best person for the job and we should elect him this November and let him get to work for our Town and its taxpayers. Respectfully,

George Blauvelt

Letter: Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer

Experience, accountability and commitment—this is what we will get when we elect Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer. Rob has had 45 years of experience as a CPA 34 of which was as a partner at Deloitte. Rob retired a few years ago and still provides financial advice to some major corporations. He also provides his skills to The New Canaan Community Foundation and The New Canaan Land Trust. His effort will make certain that our financial controls are strong and our records are in order.