Grand List Increases by $50.7 Million; Top-10 Taxpayer Accounts

The total value of taxable property in New Canaan—including homes, commercial properties and motor vehicles—increased by $50.7 million from 2016 to 2017, according to preliminary figures. Given a mill rate of about 17, the year-over-year increase in funds for the town from the taxable property would come to about $861,000. The figure is nearly $500,000 less than it has been in recent years. The Grand List’s $8.3 billion total reflects upticks in the total value of taxable real estate and personal property and a slight decline in motor vehicles. Here’s a table that details year-over-year growth:


The Grand List measures the total value of taxable property on Oct.

Grand List Up $80.6 Million; Top-10 Taxpayer Accounts

The total value of taxable property in New Canaan—including homes, commercial properties and motor vehicles—increased by $80.6 million from 2015 to 2016 according to preliminary figures, officials say. The $8.3 billion total represents a year-over-year .98 percent increase, according to the New Canaan Assessor’s office, which compiles the town’s Grand List. Here’s a table detailing year-over-year growth:


The Grand List measures the total value of taxable property on Oct. 1 of each calendar year. Here’s a table related to the Grand List, showing the gross top-10 taxpayer accounts in New Canaan for real estate—click on each address for more assessor information:


The Grand List is the denominator that finance officials use to set the tax rate—the higher it is, relative to the total revenue in the town budget, the lower that rate will be.

New Canaan Grand List Up $85.3 Million; Top-10 Taxpayer Accounts

The total value of taxable property in New Canaan—including homes, commercial properties and motor vehicles—increased by $85.3 million from 2014 to 2015, officials say. The $8,222,215,988 total represents a year-over-year 1.0479 percent increase, according to the New Canaan Assessor’s office, which compiles the town’s Grand List. The Grand List measures the total value of taxable property on Oct. 1 of each calendar year. It’s the denominator that finance officials use to set the tax rate—the higher it is, relative to the total revenue in the town budget, the lower that rate will be.

New Canaan Grand List Up $84.5 Million; Top-10 Taxpayer Accounts

Despite fears that changes to New Canaan’s taxing structure would harm the town’s finances, the total value of taxable property here—including homes, commercial properties and motor vehicles—increased by $84.5 million from 2013 to 2014, officials say. The $8,136,949,551 total represents a 1.0489 percent increase, according to the New Canaan Assessor’s office, which compiles the town’s Grand List. Asked what the news means to local taxpayers, First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said two things:

Panic about a potentially decreased Grand List following higher taxes on homes in the $1 million range and lower taxes on those in the $3 million to $4 million range were off-base; and
Robust building activity and new construction—much of it to accommodate new families with school-age children moving to town—will help offset the cost to New Canaan of providing high-quality services to those and other residents. The increase is “a wonderful indication about where the town is in terms of desirability,” Mallozzi said. “The Grand List being healthy and growing is what you want in a community,” he said.