Business Directory Launches—First Listing: New Canaan Music

[Editor’s Note: Today, we at are launching our business directory, “Biz Direct,” with a listing of New Canaan Music—you can find it here. It offers locals the ability to rate and review the business (as with comments on New Canaanite, the areas are “gated” and require manual approval by the editors) and includes photos, a Q&A with owner Phil Williams and an interactive Google map as well as a description of the business, contact and hours information and links to New Canaan Music’s website and social media accounts.]

Phil Williams, a town resident since 2001, took a circuitous route in opening his music shop in downtown New Canaan. A Ridgewood, N.J. native who earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Lynchburg College before moving to New York City, Williams for years worked as a financial controller in Manhattan. Though he worked full-time as a corporate professional, Williams also nurtured his interest and talent as a guitar (and mandolin) player—and songwriter. Then last year, the father of two decided to put everything behind pursuing a vision of owning his own business, one that would “give back to the community” doing what he knew best.