TABLE: Town Hall Building Project To Come In about $100,000 Under Budget

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Officials say the Town Hall renovation and expansion work now wrapping up is on track to come in about $100,000 under the $18 million total budgeted for construction and soft costs.

As of June 30, the volunteer committee of residents and town officials overseeing the project say about $156,000 was left to spend from what New Canaan had bonded two years ago.

With some final “punch-list” and other items (such as a $21,000 table for the large meeting room) still to be counted against that figure, best estimates as of Monday night were that the project will finish about $100,000 under budget, according to Michael Pastore, director of the New Canaan Department of Public Works.

“Every dollar that has been spent is accounted for,” Pastore said at a meeting of the Town Hall Building Committee, held in the Lamb Room at New Canaan Library.

Here’s a table that breaks down the budgeted and estimated final costs by major line items:

Budget Report: Town Hall Renovation Project

ItemBudgetedEstimated Final Cost
Property Relocation$1,279,255$1,239,255.37
Legal Fees$20,000$20,000
Remediation & Demolition$850,200$803,991.10
Architectural Fees$780,000$810,000
Construction Management (Remediation)$181,300$170,628
Outside Consultants$133,500$131,500
Construction Contingency$621,746$0
Construction Management (Construction)$358,140$349,258.03
Furniture & Retaining Walls$400,000$200,000
Security & A/V$75,000$125,000
* Source: Town Hall Building Committee


Kathleen Corbet, a member of the committee who serves at secretary on the Town Council, commended Pastore for his diligence.

“There has been a lot of—sort of, kerfuffle—out there” regarding the actual cost of the project “and this is … a nice summation of where we are,” Corbet said.

First Selectman Rob Mallozzi, who also has sat on the committee, said it is a testament to careful ground work for the project that it’s coming in on budget despite a relatively narrow contingency fund.

Officials have said the Building Committee will present a full accounting to the Town Council at a future meeting.

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