Selectmen Approve $34,700 Contract for Outdoor Wall Repairs at Waveny House

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Town officials on Tuesday approved a $34,700 contract with a Warren, Conn.-based company to repair stone walls around Waveny House.

The Board of Selectmen voted 2-0 to approve the contract with Meduri Masonry, a company that Public Works Director tiger Mann said “has done some very good work for using the past on various projects throughout town.”

“This is for wall repairs in and around the house itself,” Mann told the selectmen at their meeting, held at Town Hall. “These will be comprised of the one existing wall that is adjacent to the parterre garden that is being replaced right now, and the wall to the north of it has actually collapsed over time.”

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectman Kit Devereaux voted in favor of the contract, which includes $30,200 plus $4,500 in contingency. Selectman Nick Williams was absent.

“This is a town-funded project, this is not a partnership with the [Waveny Park] Conservancy, and the funds are currently available,” Mann said.

The work comes as the New Canaan Garden Club sets about installing a redesign of the formal “parterre” garden located east of the balcony outback of Waveny House. The project is being funded by the Garden Club itself as well as the Waveny Park Conservancy. The Town Council in December had approved the redesign by a 7-3 vote.

Moynihan said he and Mann met on Monday with the Conservancy’s Bob Seelert and Bill Holmes “and we reviewed their current plans and this is not paid for by the Waveny Park Conservancy but our deal with the Conservancy is we are going to upgrade the grounds immediately adjacent to the house such as walls as they focus on trails and the cornfields and other improvements.”

“I am very happy with the progress of the Conservancy,” Moynihan said.

Mann said that Mediri was one of five contractors to return bids on the walls project.

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