It’s early yet, but March is proving the old adage true here in New Canaan: “In like a lion and out like a lamb.”
The National Weather Service is calling for snow after 4 p.m. today and overnight, up to six inches by the time is stops around 1 p.m. Monday.
For parents, the Board of Education’s decision at its Feb. 24 meeting to allow New Canaan Public Schools to reduce its total planned classroom days, if needed, from 182 to 180 (the state minimum requirement) is a blessing. The move was designed to provide more cushion to the district, which only has two days left in June before snow days would cut into April break.
For residents seeking salt to handle the storm’s icy aftermath, Weed & Duryea has been a steady provider already 2014.
New Canaanite will keep residents apprised of businesses’ and organizations’ openings and closings throughout the snowstorm.

New Canaan's hardware mainstay, Weed and Duryea, has had the same phone number since the old WOodward telephone exchange, which became the "966-" telephone exchange in New Canaan.
(Speaking of Weed & Duryea, did you know that the downtown institution has had the same phone number since before the 9-6-6 telephone exchange was introduced in New Canaan? See the ad at right.)