Police: Mountain Lion Sighting Reported on Marvin Ridge Road

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Police on Thursday received a credible report of a mountain lion sighting on Marvin Ridge Road, officials say.

The 7:30 a.m. sighting of the cougar crossing a backyard comes about three months after the last one and just a few houses away, according to Officer Allyson Halm, head of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section.

Halm is calling for all homeowners in the area of 250 Marvin Ridge Road above Nursery Road to check surveillance cameras so that police can get at least one visual confirmation.

The sighting checks out, as the man who spotted the animal without prodding described a tawny- or beige-colored feline about as large as a golden retriever and with a long tail, Halm said.

Both sightings occurred in the area of the Fivemile River watershed.

Halm said she reported Thursday’s sighting to the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s environmental conservation or ‘ENCON’ officer.

Mountain lions have been known to travel through this area in the past.

Two Aprils ago, a woman claimed to see a mountain lion on a Fox Run Road property in New Canaan, though state officials said later that they were unable to confirm the sighting based on paw prints.

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