Police Investigations: Weathervane, $23,000 in Jewelry Reported Stolen

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Police received a report of larceny at the Merrill Lynch building on Cherry Street last Monday at 10:30 a.m.

A copper weathervane with a value of about $500 is missing off the top of the building, police said. It could have been missing for several days to a week, and access to the roof appears to have been gained from the CVS parking lot, according to a police report.

Police are investigating.


A South Avenue woman reported last Thursday at about 12:20 pm that jewelry had been stolen from her residence, according to Capt. Vincent DeMaio.

The report states that the value of the rings and bracelets was about $23,000 dollars. There is no sign of forced entry, but there were contractors working at the house that day, the report said.


A River Street man reported a burglary last Thursday after arriving home at 9:04 a.m.

The complainant told police that a wallet was missing from his bedroom nightstand. After police arrived, they ruled that the apartment had no signs of forced entry. The homeowner noticed that there was cash left on the nightstand, but the wallet was taken. The homeowner then told police that he is unsure if the wallet was stolen, or if he misplaced it.


Police are investigating graffiti spray-painted onto the steps leading to a residence on Park Street last week. The homeowner at about 10:57 a.m. reported that he found the words ‘cha lie’ spray-painted there. The vandalism occurred sometime in the nightly hours the night before.

Police are asking that with anyone with information should contact NCPD at 203-594-3510.


Police responded to a report of public disturbance at the Elm Street Train Station at 1:33 a.m Saturday. A man was wandering around the station, shouting and claiming that he was John the Baptist. After finding no ID on him, they transported the man to Norwalk Hospital.

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