Police Investigate Theft of Copper Piping from Vacant New Canaan Home for Sale

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Police are investigating the theft of $200 on copper piping from a vacant Harrison Avenue home that’s on the market.

At about 6:10 p.m. on Jan. 2, police heard from the home’s owner, a 41-year-old man. About two hours earlier, his real estate agent had entered the home and noticed straightaway that it was colder than normal, police said.

She went to basement to check on the furnace and discovered there that numerous copper pipes leading to the boiler had been cut and removed, according to a police report.

A ground-floor window appeared to have been forced open, police said.

It isn’t clear just when the burglary occurred—the home had been shown on the afternoon of Dec. 31 and was OK at that time, police said.


Police are investigating what appears to be a fraud attempt in New Canaan.

A 55-year-old town woman reported to police that on Dec. 14, she spotted a Summer Street home for sale on real estate website Zillow, listed for $24,000. After contacting the owner listed on Zillow by email, the inquiring woman became suspicious because that individual requested a small down payment in exchange for sending the keys to the home via FedEx to take a look inside the house, according to a police report.

The woman stopped communicating at that time and reported the suspicious request Dec. 30 to police.

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