Police: Fractures, Lacerations for 79-Year-Old Man Struck by Car on Park Street Late Friday

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Police say the 79-year-old man struck by a car while crossing Park Street on Friday night suffered fractures and lacerations to his head but no life-threatening injuries.

The accident occurred at about 7:57 p.m. Friday, according to a police report. The man had been crossing Park Street just north of the Citibank driveway, moving slowly toward the area of the municipal parking lot, when a 2014 Subaru station wagon traveling south struck him in the road, the report said.

The man was not in a crosswalk, police said.

The motorist, a 46-year-old man whose wife and teenage daughters were in the car, immediately stopped and called for help, police said. The driver told police he didn’t see the pedestrian, the report said. That stretch of Park Street isn’t lit as well as the main business area down on Elm, and it was raining hard on Friday night.

The 79-year-old man was issued verbal warning for improper use of highway for a pedestrian, the report said. Initial reports had put the accident further down toward Elm, in the area of Starbucks. where the Holiday Stroll was active.

This is approximately where the accident happened:

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